First Evolution

This little white larva crawled very slowly, while Wang Shuo felt full of power with double Strength.

He climbed up a stem to reach the tiny white larva in slightly more than a minute.

At this moment, the little white larva also noticed him. It bent its body and tried to escape farther, but it was too sluggish.

Wang Shuo accelerated and pierced through its body. Then he opened his mouth and sucked at the wound.

Squeak Squeak

He didn't know if it was because his taste buds had mutated after turning into an insect, but the colorful juice had an inexplicable pleasant fragrance, like fresh grass.

The little white larva struggled weakly. But in less than five minutes, Wang sucked it dry into an empty shell.

But the system didn't respond, so Wang Shuo could only tear the shell apart and swallow it like a pancake.

To be honest, the smooth texture was surprisingly nice.

Strangely enough, Wang Shuo's body was not much larger than the little white larva. But even after devouring two bugs, his body hadn't changed much. Who knew where the food he ate had gone.

[You devoured a larva. Evolution Points +10%.]

[Randomly drawing the opponent's talent and skills…]

[The player is undergoing a random draw. [Selection Option] automatically activated.]

[Here are the options…]

[Skill: Molting (Unavailable)]

Description: Shed your shell and turn into a moth.

[Strength +0.0001]

[Agility +0.0001]

[Physique +0.0001]


"I can't choose those skills because of my race, right? In other words, can I choose only skills and talents compatible with my body?"

Wang Shuo memorized this information and continued to choose Strength.

Perhaps due to the unique structure of the beetle's body, the attributes were more refined. With the Elementary Strength talent, of course he had to choose the most worthwhile Strength option.

Wang Shuo's Strength increased by 0.0002, and he felt that he had become more powerful once again.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw more than twenty white eggs the size of a needle tip attached to a curly leaf.

This discovery was simply joyous.

After checking that there was no danger around, he quickly crawled over and swallowed one egg after another.

It was like eating grapes. When he bit into one, juice would burst out, but they were a bit tasteless.

[You devoured a moth's egg. Evolution Points +3%.]

[You devoured a moth's egg. Evolution Points +4%.]

Wang Shuo finally ate all twenty white eggs in the blink of an eye and quickly returned to the nest.

After eating the eggs, his evolution points reached 91%. Only 9% was remaining to complete his first evolution.

At the same time, because these eggs were still underdeveloped, they only increased his Strength by 0.0007. Fortunately, with Elementary Strength, he gained 0.0014.

Currently, his Strength had reached 0.0026.

Compared to the beginning, it was five times greater.

Although this little bit of strength was equivalent to a large animal's sneeze, he could feel energy gushing out when it was concentrated in his ant-sized body.

"Looks like I'll evolve after another meal. I have to keep it up."

If he could complete an evolution in less than a day, he could complete three evolutions as long as he didn't die within this month.

Suddenly, a colossal creature appeared at the entrance of the cave.

It was a caterpillar thicker than the hole. It noticed Wang Shuo lying inside and wanted to crawl in. But after trying a few times, it found that the hole was too small.

After a while, it turned around and left.

Wang Shuo felt that he would have broken out in cold sweat if he hadn't turned into a bug.

After a while, he carefully crawled to the entrance of the cave. Then with his horn, he sensed around for the caterpillar and was relieved to find that it had indeed left.

"I wonder what will happen after evolution. I hope I can grow up quickly!"

Sha Sha Sha

A series of noises came from the outside. A row of ants was marching over from a distance, carrying a long worm above them.

Wang Shuo didn't dare to offend these fellows and waited for them to pass before quietly running out.

He walked along the dark corner for a long time before he suddenly felt sleepy.

"Did I overeat?"

Wang Shuo was in a daze. Suddenly, his consciousness jolted awake. He noticed a corpse that looked like a cricket buried in the ground not far away.

He hurriedly retreated at his fastest speed.

After a short distance, the sleepiness suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, there's something strange here!"

The sudden sleepiness just now was too strange.

If the cricket corpse hadn't made him realize something was amiss, he probably would have fallen asleep by now.

He scanned his surroundings for what he hadn't noticed just now. Around the area, there were many corpses of other insects near the cricket. Some were small, while others were big; some had wings, while others did not…

They were roughly scattered in a circle around a stalk of blue grass.

"Is the grass behind this?"

Wang Shuo speculated in his mind. He looked reluctantly at the surrounding insect corpses before turning around and changing directions.

Suddenly, he sensed a grey shadow pouncing over.

This flea-like bug was slightly bigger than him, and it pierced at him with its pointed needle-like mouth.

Although he had lost his original body, his consciousness was still sharp.

His head turned at the right moment and stabbed into the enemy.

A powerful force far exceeding his size erupted with terrifying power and easily pierced through his opponent's head.

But this bug was very tenacious. Even with a crushed head, its six long legs were still flailing about.

Wang Shuo pulled out his horn and began to tear its body apart.

The quick battle between the two little guys didn't attract the attention of other creatures. With nothing to bother him, Wang Shuo feasted heartily.

Even when he had devoured the flea's head and abdomen, its legs were still twitching.

[You devoured a flea. Evolution point +10%.]

Following the familiar notification, his evolution points finally exceeded 100% and reached 101%.

Other than the attribute points options, he also obtained Talent: Elementary Agility.

Elementary Agility: Agility x2

[You have met the requirements for evolution. Do you want to start evolving?]


He didn't know what would happen during evolution. With this uncertainty, it was too dangerous outside, so he should return to the cave first.

Wang Shuo followed his markings and returned to the nest. After ensuring that everything was normal, he crawled back into the cave and finally felt a sense of security.

"Let's start evolving."

[Evolution list is being generated: Horn Thrust, Bite, Hard Shell, Talent: Elementary Strength, Talent: Elementary Agility]

[Please choose the direction of evolution: Skill 0/1, Talent 0/1]

"Horn Thrust and Elementary Strength."

[Evolution direction has been chosen. Evolution beginning…]

The next moment, a strong wave of fatigue instantly engulfed Wang Shuo, and then he lost consciousness.

After an unknown period, Wang Shuo gradually regained consciousness.

Then a strong sense of power flooded his body.

Perhaps due to Horn Thrust being strengthened, even the perception of his horn had sharpened.

"The cave has shrunk… No, I've grown bigger!"