the smart monkey

"buzz, buzz, buzz!"

wang shuo once again passed by the sea of flowers. all the golden poisonous bees stopped their movements, and their wings began to vibrate at a certain frequency.

soon, the big golden venomous bee that had delivered the honey to him appeared again.

Strangely enough, even though Wang Shuo's appearance had changed drastically, the Golden poison bee swarm was still able to recognize him.

after big gold peak flew over, it circled wang shuo twice, signaling him to follow.

wang shuo didn't think much of it and followed it to the hive.

It was only now that he realized that there was an independent beehive behind the hive, which should be where the great Gold Peak lived.

in the middle of the room, there was a fist-sized jelly-like honey lump.

there were also four or five walnut-sized little golden venomous bees feeding on it.