Breakthrough to the second stage

There were a total of 12 options after the perfect black-iron treasure chest was opened. At the top, there were five yellow-level, low-grade, and four middle-grade. Wang Shuo did not even bother to look at them. He just flipped to the last one.

[wind staff technique (yellow level top quality) ]: The cudgel was accompanied by astral winds, fast as lightning, and powerful like a meteor.

[jackdaw boxing gloves (yellow level top-rank) ]: the fist technique carries ice damage, and is very powerful.

[building: summoning altar (tier 1 legendary) ]: A mysterious building from the river of time and space. It can connect to endless time and space and summon legendary heroes to fight for you.

[note: to expand, players are required to join any territory.]

[note: each use requires a sacrifice-mark of a hero * 1]

Wang Shuo's eyes lit up. He did not expect to find an item with a 'legendary' prefix in this black-iron treasure chest.