The 71st territory battlefield?

"you have killed 6-star 'holy spear tiger rider' wang yi. obtained blood key *1."


after six notifications, there were only six blood keys left.

a team with an average strength of five-and-a-half-star had no power to resist in the hands of wang shuo.

He himself did not have the slightest bit of self-satisfaction.

With his Foundation, it would be strange if he could fight several people of the same level.

but then again, the reason why this battle was so easy was largely due to the yellow rank upper level qinggong [hundred divine changes] that he had just learned.

when this qinggong was used, it was like there was oil on the soles of one's feet. not only could it ignore inertia and turn at will, but it also had the 15% bonus of the 'flowing cloud battle boots'( as one's strength increases, the effect of the equipment will decrease) and the' talent: with the boost from 'haste', his speed had reached a terrifying level.