A horse can't get fat without night grass

Ta ta

with a light kick, lin chong's spear tip hung upside down as he stood on his horse.

On the honeycomb-like ground, a thick layer of ice crystals reflected a seven-colored light under the sun, dazzling and eye-catching.

in this beautiful scene, a beautiful girl in ragged clothes was half-kneeling on the ground. her face was filled with unconcealed shock.

with just one attack, his entire assault team, which had completed genetic strengthening, had been completely annihilated.

He relied on the 'auto-Dodge' and 'life enhancement' abilities awakened from his gene strengthening to Dodge the Spear's light head-on. He paid the price of heavy injuries to barely keep his life.

however, the bone-piercing cold air had numbed her limbs, and she could no longer fight.

"Although I have never killed women and children in my life, it is difficult for me to show mercy in today's battle. Rest in peace!"