
In the new recruit training camp of the demon exterminating team, a group of new recruits had just finished their meal and were about to return to their dormitories to rest.

Suddenly, someone shouted in surprise.

everyone looked toward the source of the voice and saw that one of their companions, who had been bragging to them just a moment ago, had collapsed to the ground with blood flowing out of his seven orifices for some reason.

"it's ashe? What's wrong with him?"

"i don't know either, he suddenly became like this while we were walking just now, aww."

"Let's go, take him to the medical room for a check!"

As he spoke, everyone stepped forward to help him up. Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Yashe struggled to sit up and said with difficulty, " "Thank you for your good intentions, but there's no need for you to worry. It's an old problem of mine. You guys go ahead first, I'll be fine after a short rest."