level 1 and 2

prompt: the advancement trial has been completed.

as the system notification rang out, wang shuo seemed to have been relieved of a heavy burden. endless strength was being used from his body, and he couldn't help but let out a long roar.

player, please choose the Reiki vein-

[basic spiritual heritage: 1000 trial points]

[low-quality spirit meridian: 5000 trial points]

[middle-grade spirit Meridian: 10000 trial points]

[high-quality spirit Meridian: 20000 trial points]

[Supreme-grade spirit Meridian: 50000 trial points]

Trial points: 122855 "

unlike any of the previous trials, there were no statistics or settlement at the end of this trial. they went straight to the point.

Wang Shuo didn't pay much attention to this. He glanced at the five options and thought about the information that Chong Lin had told him.

Spirit veins could speed up the upgrade of the territory and were also the foundation for some high-level buildings.