8. Unexpected gain, volcanic crater

seeing that he was about to be surrounded, wang shuo's expression did not change. he raised his finger and pointed to the ground.


as soon as he finished speaking, the ground within a radius of dozens of meters collapsed, forming a basin of nearly half a meter.

The four Black-backed giant rhinoceros that were running wildly were pulled by a huge suction force and fell to the ground in less than a second.

the four black-backed rhinoceroses were obviously unwilling to give up. each of them struggled madly to get up, but no matter what they did, it was in vain.

Wang Shuo landed on the ground and stood in the middle of the four ecstatic blackbacks. He pressed his palm down.


Amidst the sound of bones breaking, the four ecstatic blackbacks 'bodies gradually twisted like dough.

Its four thick limbs were twisted in an irregular manner, and its huge body began to collapse bit by bit like a deflated leather ball.