10. Secret palace, new equipment

While Wang Shuo was busy, the 18 guilds were not idle either.

Gu Changhe angrily led his men back to the stronghold. They immediately went to the warehouse to retrieve all kinds of materials and Reforged a flying sword.

Although its power and quality were much inferior to the previous one due to the materials used, it was still barely satisfactory.

then, he gathered everyone again to get back at them.

However, at this time, a piece of news suddenly disrupted his plan.

[ note: a secret palace has been refreshed in your area. ]

The moment he saw this message, Gu Changhe couldn't care less about Wang Shuo and immediately sent people to search for the secret palace.

If one wanted to move a normal territory, one had to be at a higher level (intermediate and advanced Tier 2). The other party was a newcomer who had just completed the promotion of the realm. It was impossible to move the territory in a short time, so there was no need to rush.