The sudden malice

In the face of a group of united people who never pursued, there was no other way to fight. They could only fight head on and slowly grind.

fortunately, he didn't have to worry about his dan origin after recovering from the amaranthine nature, which gave wang shuo enough confidence to deal with it.

he relied on his 'mind overclocking' state to move through the rain of arrows with ease. although there were a few water arrows that fell from the sky, they were perfectly offset by the kun wu divine light.

On the other hand, his attacks would kill one or two Lotus frogs each time.

Wang Shuo's movements became more and more skilled, and the pressure on him became lighter and lighter.

However, he did not let his guard down. He did not forget that there was a Lotus Frog King in the Lotus Frog Lake.

As expected, when 30% of the Lotus frogs were killed, a faint trace of anger emerged from the water. At the same time, a powerful aura suddenly locked onto him.