haig brotherhood

After looking at the post, Wang Shuo realized that he had already received hundreds of replies and dozens of trade requests.

except for a few who joined in on the fun, most of them had a clear goal. the 10 points they got from each reply was not much, but it still screened out a lot of idlers.

Six of the pieces of equipment caught the attention of the players, but the price was still up for discussion.

after some haggling, the six pieces of low-grade equipment were sold for 92300 points. the price of the materials he bought was still acceptable.

unlike cultivation techniques and skills, the prices of materials were slightly cheaper than in the store. all of them cost 22000 points, which was about 3000 points cheaper than the store price.

after buying everything, wang shuo went straight to the furnace and gave all the materials to white brow.

with all the materials gathered, the refining process became much simpler.