33 million

wang shuo did not give a direct answer. " before that, i hope your bank can help me estimate the price. "

I can't make that decision. I need to discuss it with our President.

"please hurry up, i'm in a hurry."


After the reply, the other player fell into silence.

As time passed, Wang Shuo began to panic as the 10th item on the stage began to be auctioned.

Fortunately, there was finally some movement from the other side. "fellow daoist, after our discussion, our bank's estimated value is about 1 million points."

wang shuo's mind went blank for a moment, and he only came back to his senses a second later. " to be honest, i'm in urgent need of points. if i hand this item over to your auction house, can i get an advance of points from your house? "

"Yes! under normal circumstances, you can get half of the market price in advance, but i'll personally raise it to 70% for you.