sun lutang's core relic

This roar was like a Thunderbolt in the clear sky, spreading out in this confined space as if it had substance, making people's eardrums hurt and dizzy.

caught off guard, wang shuo and sun lutang were both stunned.

At this moment, a purple lightning-like shadow drew a 'z' in the air and pointed at Sun Lutang.

At the critical moment, Sun Lutang's words were like thunder. His eyes were sharp, and he instinctively drew a semicircle with his left hand.

a wave of true qi surged and wrapped around the purple figure like a belt.

at the same time, he clenched his right hand into a hammer and threw it out like a cannonball.

with a clang, thousands of stars appeared. the purple figure retreated a few feet, while sun lutang flipped and stepped on the steep rocks like an agile ape. he seemed light and agile, but wherever he passed, all the rocks were turned into powder.

as soon as he stood still, a gust of evil wind suddenly came from above.