
As soon as he woke up, the blood demon was furious. lowly insect!

Before he finished speaking, two thin lines as black as ink suddenly appeared.

This black line was as thin as a hair, but it was as fast as lightning. It seemed to ignore space and instantly swept past the blood demon.

"Chi la"

the thick blood light that could withstand the sword wheel's cutting and remain unscathed actually broke apart. even the luxurious blood-red cloak below was not spared. with the sound of tearing silk, a tiny hole was torn.

a wave of life essence that was several times more than when the sword wheel had cut through the air disappeared with a puff, as if it had been swallowed by an invisible giant beast.

Not only that, even though the blood-red light had filled up the gap, there was still a steady stream of life essence flowing out of the tiny hole.

Both Wang Shuo and Yun Zhi's expressions changed upon witnessing the scene.

"This kind of power ..."