orb cooldown

you have obtained [ cooling Pearl ].

[ cooldown pearl: restores the cooldown of skills (including equipment) after use. number of uses: 10/10

[ note: the higher the skill's level, the more times it can be used. ]

Wang Shuo's palm sank, and a White Pearl the size of a longan appeared.

with a single thought, the black turtle armor's dim surface was instantly filled with spiritual light, and the "spiritual turtle protection master" skill in the attribute bar lit up again.

wang shuo could not help but smile. " it seems like it's not useless to end the BOSS personally! "

just as he was worried that he would not have enough defense in the upcoming battle without the black turtle armor, he was immediately hit by a cooldown pearl. needless to say, it must have been because he had triggered the hidden mechanism of the treasure chest.

wang shuo had already discovered that a treasure chest that he had personally obtained would definitely give him something he needed.