Six Void Sword, Zhuang Yu

there were 10 attack points in total, and they had already taken down 4. it was not an exaggeration to say that victory was in their hands.

under such circumstances, it was not strange for the five major forces to agree to the duel gamble.

After all, everyone who participated in the regional battlefields didn't come for the contribution points. In a battle that was almost certain to win, of course, they had to maximize the benefits.

"according to the rules, we have to win 20 rounds in the following wagered battles to be the final winner," wang shuo muttered,"so the candidates for the next battle are of utmost importance.

Have you decided on the candidates?"

"Not yet, I'm still selecting." Xuan Ying nodded.

"how did you choose?"

" we'll follow the recommendation of the five great factions or those with 300 or more personal contribution points. "

"Have you decided on the list?"

Xuan Ying shook his head. not yet, but I should be there soon, Yingluo.