Turbulent undercurrents

In the vast sea Pavilion, Chi Qianzhong was sitting on a chair in the hall with an ashen face. The two beautiful maidservants beside him kept quiet out of fear, their heads lowered, not daring to make a sound.

Although their intelligence wasn't very high, they knew how terrifying it would be if this Lord got angry and provoked him.

they had already seen with their own eyes how the maidservants were tortured to the point where they wished they were dead, and were eventually thrown into the military camp for a walk. just thinking about it made them shudder.

It was a good thing that Daren did not seem to notice them.

Chi qianchong, of course, didn't care about them at this time. His mind was full of how to deal with the threat of Wang Shuo.

His hatred for Wang Shuo and Chi qianchong could be said to have seeped into his bones, and it could not be washed away even with the water of five lakes.