Powerful God art branch technique

Previously, in Wang Shuo's impression, he had simply thought that this 'great might bright King seal' was just a simple hand seal.

it was only now that he realized he had been wrong.

This skill, or rather, this mystical power, was definitely not as simple as he had imagined.

according to the skill's description, this skill was not so much a hand seal as a form-the 'great might bright king' form.

the function of this form was very simple, and that was-body explosion!

wang shuo had learned a lot about the power of body explosion from his conversation with xuan ying and zhuang yu.

the body explosion skill wasn't easy to use, because compared to its terrifying explosive power, the side effects were equally terrifying.

generally, their strength would be greatly weakened for a short period of time. the time was determined by the duration of the body explosion, ranging from a few days to a few hours.