102 million

"You're too poor!"

Wang Shuo was a little shocked.

There were nearly 90 blood keys, but they only gave him less than 200000 points, which was about 2000 points per person.

What made him speechless was that most of these people were actually using the system's mass-produced standard equipment.

Moreover, it was the lowest grade among them. It was basically a white board.

In the hands of a Tier 2 player, the value of such equipment was about the same as a watermelon knife or a knife in the hands of an ordinary person. Although it was rated as mysterious grade low-rank, it couldn't even be sold for 10000 points.

in the forum store, there were year-round 'high-priced repurchases'. if the item was in good condition, it could be sold for 7300 - 7500 yuan. even if one bought it, it would only be 7500 - 7800 yuan.

to be honest, it was the first time wang shuo realized how 'bitter' the lives of the bottom-level players were.