Terrifying giant beast

it was a quiet and pleasant lake in the forest. in the middle of the lake was an island with a radius of seven to eight meters.

On the island, there was a plant with a bright red stem, more than a meter tall, and four leaves on the same root. The dark brown leaf bore a dark yellow fruit.

the dark brown leaves swayed in the breeze, and the fruit gave off a strange fragrance.

At this moment, a ripple appeared in the space not far from the lake. Then, a young man wearing a black robe covered with mysterious patterns and a one-foot long white Book floating in front of him appeared.

as soon as this person appeared, he waved his hand and set up a layer of protective barrier. then, he reached out and flipped the white book open on its own. with a flash of spiritual light, a strange beast with a single horn and looked like a tiger or leopard appeared in front of him.

After doing this, he heaved a sigh of relief and looked around.