3-star in a month?

after all the materials were sent to the furnace, wang shuo ordered wang muyi to cultivate in seclusion and not to be disturbed unless necessary. After that, he changed his personal information status to "in closed-door cultivation."

he then took out a cultivation pill and swallowed it to start cultivating.

Although it was not impossible to interrupt the refining of the cultivation elixir, it would reduce the effectiveness of the elixir according to the time ratio. there was only one day to refine the cultivation pill. if the pill was not refined within a day after taking it, then the cultivation pill would be wasted.

Different from the purifying Lotus pill, which helped to increase the speed of cultivation, the one-month cultivation pill and other pills that were named after the increase in power were actually the most precious.

for example, a month's worth of cultivation pills could be equivalent to a month's worth of cultivation after consuming one.