Four Dao patterns

"Brother Wang, the battle between the vast sea Pavilion and the Sorcerer society has begun."

lan xun sent a message,"brother xuan and brother zhuang are also here with me. they want to take a closer look at the situation."

Wang Shuo shook his head and replied, " I've said it before. The water is very deep this time. You'd better not be greedy. Otherwise, the consequences may be serious.

lan xun,"the helper is from the intermediate area, right?" A four-star Legend? There should be quite a number of them, right?"

Although he had already guessed that he couldn't hide it from LAN Xun, Wang Shuo still couldn't help but marvel at the other party's wisdom, so he didn't hide it, " "since you already know, then stay in the territory. Before the flames of war reach you, just wait for me to come out of seclusion."

"Brother Wang, what do you mean by that?"

"you'll know in the future."

"Alright," he said.
