blow them all up

what chi qianchong didn't know was that a figure was just a few meters behind him, following him into the central square like a shadow.

As the distance between them and Xun yuelang and the others increased, Wang Shuo made a mental calculation and felt that it was about time.

without any hesitation, he pointed at the back of chi qianzhong's head.

after all, chi qianzhong was also a legendary profession, so his reaction was also extremely fast. the moment he noticed the strange situation behind his head, he immediately launched his own defense.

"golden bell shield!"

A burst of golden true essence turned into the shadow of a Golden Bell and shrouded Chi Qianzhong. A steady aura spread out from it, and it could be seen with the naked eye that the defensive power of this Golden Bell must be extremely amazing.

"that's a pretty good skill,"

"Unfortunately, it's useless!"