Winter Is Coming

Huang Quan dragged his hungry body and fought with Lin Qing. Finally, he managed to snatch over ten chicken hearts from Lin Qing's mouth and swallow them with tears in his eyes. After this, he was no longer as hungry.

"Aren't you going to apologize to me or something?" Huang Quan said resentfully.


Huang Quan thought, Can't you be more sincere? You should spit out the 'chicken hearts' in your cheeks when you apologize.


Seeing Huang Quan staring at him, Lin Qing had his eyes wide open as he swallowed the crystals without chewing, causing several crystals to get stuck in his throat.

Black lines appeared on Huang Quan's forehead. "Do all steel beasts have this thing?"

"Not only do steel beasts have them, we have them too. They are power crystals, which are equivalent to hearts. Not only can they fill the stomach, they can also strengthen the body."

Lin Qing poked the crystals down his throat with his finger.

These secrets would be exposed to the world in a short time. Everyone would know about it, so it was not a big deal to tell Huang Quan.

"So your appearance changed because you got stronger?"


"And the bigger the steel beast, the bigger the crystal?"

"That's right!"

Suddenly, Huang Quan remembered the group of steel beasts they killed in the city center this morning. There were many large ones among them.

But when he thought about how Lin Qing had stayed behind before catching up, his face darkened.

With a calm expression, Lin Qing said, "Old Huang, now that you already know this secret, do you still want to go with me?"

Huang Quan flew into a rage. "Bullshit. You ate so many of my crystals. If you don't return them all to me, don't even think about running away. If you dare to cheat me, you might be young and capable, but you'll be useless for the rest of your life."

Upon hearing this, Lin Qing felt relieved and smiled. "I know a market that has a lot of fish and chickens. Do you want to shop around?"

"No. I don't know how long we've been gone. Yang Feng might have already arrived." Huang Quan glared at Lin Qing. "Let's go and pick him up first. We can talk about getting stronger later."

He wasn't afraid of being cheated, but he was afraid that Lin Qing would cheat him without him knowing. After all, Lin Qing had been helping him unconditionally. To be honest, he had been a little afraid.

After knowing that he was doing this for the crystals from the steel beasts, he heaved a sigh of relief.

On the way back, Huang Quan asked Lin Qing some questions about evolution. Lin Qing told him the truth, including the fact that the 車 (vehicle) character would fully appear after evolving five times.

The corners of Huang Quan's mouth twitched when he saw that three-fifths of the 車 character had appeared on Lin Qing's chest.

When they returned to the building, there was no one there. Both of them sighed.

"Ahh. I can't get through to him on the phone, and there's no signal either. How am I supposed to find him?"

"Look up."

"Look up at what?" Huang Quan raised his head. The sky was pitch-black, covered in thick black clouds.

Lin Qing admired how his brain worked. "Didn't you notice that something's wrong? The sky was already like this in the morning. Is it normal for it to be like this now in the afternoon?"

"It's a little abnormal. I can't see the sun, and I don't even know what time it is."

"Brother, am I asking what time it is?" Lin Qing really didn't have the energy to complain. "Black clouds are covering the sun, and the sunlight can't shine through. What will happen if this continues?"

After Huang Quan pondered for a few seconds, his face paled. Without the sun, plants wouldn't be able to survive. Furthermore, the temperature of the Earth would decrease day by day. As a result, the surface temperature would decrease by 20°C in at most a month.

There would be no electricity, no water, no heating, and no crops. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to live for long after they finished all the food.

At this moment, Huang Quan finally realized just how devastating this calamity was. He gulped. "Can't we just use artillery to scatter the dark clouds?"

"These aren't normal dark clouds. Since Motorbots and steel beasts have turned into steel, these black clouds have also turned into steel. This layer of clouds blocks the sky while a strange magnetic field paralyzes satellites. As a result, a large number of electronics have lost their effect. In the future, we can basically say goodbye to cell phones and computers."

"Nonsense!" Huang Quan's heart was in turmoil.

Everyone who had been on a plane knew how big a cloud was. A cloud looked small from the ground, but it was actually a few kilometers wide.

Scientists had researched that a small cloud could weigh up to 10,000 kilograms. Some clouds were seven to eight kilometers thick, and their weight was even more frightening.

If these clouds had turned into steel, even missiles wouldn't be able to penetrate them.

Dark clouds covered the sky. There was no end in sight, and no one knew how far they extended. Huang Quan's heart trembled. "Why aren't such heavy clouds falling? What is above the clouds?"

"I don't know." Looking at the dark clouds, Lin Qing said slowly, "Maybe one day you can go up and take a look."

In his previous life, the thin layer of clouds had been shattered, and a group of experts had gone up. Huang Quan was also among them. But after this group of people went up, they were unable to come back down.

"I will go there!" Huang Quan clenched his fists and had a firm gaze. "Let's go together. If there are any demons or ghosts, we'll sweep them away together."

Lin Qing thought about it… "Forget about me. Unless I have absolute strength, I won't go even if you beat me to death."

He had a rough idea of Huang Quan's strength back then. It wouldn't be too late to go when he could single-handedly crush beings of that level.

Otherwise, he would be sending himself to his death.

They sat at the entrance of the building and waited. A few hours later, the sky was clearly darker, and the sun about to set.

The black clouds blocked the sunlight, but the sun did not disappear. In the day, the city was dim under the strong light, and you could barely see your surroundings. But it was different at night. You couldn't even see your own fingers stretched out in front of you.

Lin Qing opened his eyes and said solemnly, "Although animals have turned into steel, they still maintain their habits, and most of them move around at night. It's too dangerous for us to wait here."

Huang Quan's expression changed. For Lin Qing to say the word 'dangerous' meant that it was really dangerous. "We're in danger even in the city at night. Wouldn't Yang Feng have no way out then?"

"This sounds awful, but I have to tell you something. You should be able to see such a big flag from eight hundred meters away. However, it's been a day, and he's still not here. He has either escaped or is dead."

Huang Quan's heart was confused, and he was in a struggle. A few seconds later, he sighed. What Lin Qing said made sense. "Let's go. Perhaps he's already left."

They transformed into vehicles and switched on their headlights. Then the two of them started their engines, and loud sound waves blasted out in succession.

Beep beep beep!!

The two of them had only moved a bit when they heard a persistent beeping from an electric scooter. Then a figure rushed down the street.

Huang Quan forgot that his headlights were still on and turned around.

There was a vast expanse of white in front of him. As a result, the owner of the electric scooter couldn't see the road clearly and crashed into an obstacle. He cursed in English before falling to the ground. "What the f*ck!"

He was being chased by a steel beast. When he heard the sound of an engine, he wanted to ask for help, but he didn't expect to crash due to this bastard's headlights.

"Eh, it's Yang Feng." After seeing the person on the ground, Huang Quan shouted and ran over.

Lin Qing followed him. After a few steps, he knew why Yang Feng was running so fast. Behind him were countless red-eyed rats that were as large as rabbits.

The rat fur on their bodies stood up like steel needles, and a cold light flashed from them.

The rats were densely packed and formed a black torrent. Just looking at them made his scalp go numb, let alone fighting them.

He wasn't afraid of ferocious steel beasts as most of them moved alone. What he was most afraid of were these social creatures. After all, every time they appeared, there would be tens of thousands of them.

"Retreat!" After grabbing Yang Feng, Huang Quan turned around and began to run frantically.

Lin Qing didn't go over to help them. Instead, he swung his fist at the residential building beside him and destroyed it with a few punches.

The collapsed building formed an obstruction in the middle of the road. Huang Quan ran past it and used it to block the rats for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, Lin Qing slammed on his accelerator and drove at full speed, allowing him to drive at the front.