Have Good Karma in Your Next Life

As soon as Lin Qing braked, someone from the gas station stepped forward and asked coldly, "Brother, are you here for gas or lodging?"

There was someone in the driver's seat, but the truck had no license plate, so the staff assumed that it was a stolen truck.

Yang Feng stuck his head out. "Can I use my card?"

"Bullshit. We only accept cash. If you have no cash, watches or gold and silver jewelry will do."

Yang Feng took off his watch and handed it over. "Its original price is one-point-four million yuan. Treat our two trucks of people well and bring us a car of food and water when we leave."

"You don't even have an invoice, so how would I know how much it's worth? It might be fake." The staff's eyes lit up. Then he said without batting an eye, "How 'bout this? I'll give you fifty packets of instant noodles, arrange an overnight stay for you, and give you half a box of gas when you leave."

It was too exploitative. After living for more than 20 years, this was the first time Yang Feng had encountered such a corrupt shop, where a watch that cost 1.4 million yuan was only worth 50 packets of instant noodles.

He was so angry that he wanted to chop someone up.

"Brother, in that case, I won't buy them."

They didn't make use of the opportunity given to them. When Lin Qing stepped in, it would no longer be an issue of money.

"If you don't want to buy anything, scram." The staff put the watch in his pocket and turned to leave with a cold face.

"F*ck!" Seeing his watch being stolen, Yang Feng jumped down from the truck and called out to him. "Brother, aren't you being too unkind? Give me back my watch."

"Let me go. When did I take your watch?"

After Lin Qing had stopped, people had jumped out one after another. Seeing this situation, then they all gathered around.

"What do you want? What do you all want? Boss, someone is causing trouble!"

When the staff shouted, a group of Motorbots walked over. They were all part of Brother Liu's group. They were large and all about ten meters tall.

A normal car would only be four to five meters tall after transforming into a mecha. However, these trucks were twice as big and were also very strong.

"What happened?" Brother Liu asked.

"He accused me of taking his watch and said it cost one-point-four million yuan. What a joke. How could someone who can wear a watch worth more than a million not even have a car? He's even driving a stolen heavy truck."

"A heavy truck? What heavy truck?" The Wuling boss walked over. "Isn't this the new truck I bought a few days ago? I haven't found it since it was stolen. Kid, you're in trouble."

A heavy truck was much more valuable than an ordinary car. After all, it was a great tool, regardless of whether it was used to transport goods or load people.

He was originally the owner of a restaurant in the service area. After the Cataclysm, he became a Wuling van, but his wife and son had not transformed.

Brother Liu from the transport team was his brother-in-law. When they arrived here at noon, the two of them decided to make a living and make it big. After all, no one cared anyway.

Surrounded by a group of 10-meter-tall Motorbots, Yang Feng swallowed his saliva and took a few steps back to Lin Qing's side. "You should do it. I can't handle it."

Lin Qing climbed up from the ground as he transformed into his mecha form. After three evolutions, he was almost 17 meters tall. These ordinary trucks were only at his waist.

Brother Liu and the rest were dumbfounded when they saw the fiery-red heavy truck transform into a mecha.

Others had always been looking up at them, so they never thought that there would be a time when they would look up to someone else.

This body was way too big!

"Brother, when did you buy that watch? Why don't I know about it?" Lin Qing's tone was unkind.

"It's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." The Wuling van was so scared that his legs turned to jelly. "It's my fault for being blind. Everyone can eat whatever you want. I'll fill you up with gas later too."

Lin Qing looked at Yang Feng. "Look, aren't they easy to persuade?"

Yang Feng thought, Brother, if I had your size, they would be very nice to me too.

"Thanks, boss. I'm really sorry to make you spend so much money."

"It's okay. We should help each other when we're out."

Brother Liu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that this major matter had been reduced to a minor one. He didn't even dare to breathe loudly just now, and his heart was in his throat. He was afraid they would be killed.

After all, he didn't know how many punches their small arms and legs could withstand.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang. The Wuling truck's head sank into his chest, and his legs broke. Then he glowed red before instantly exploding. In the blink of an eye, he had turned into scrap metal.

Lin Qing retracted his foot and said calmly, "You have to thank me. I think it's quite painful to see you become a van. I hope that you will have good karma in your next life and can find a Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, or BMW so that you can live an easy life."

Lin Qing had been talking cheerfully and wittily just one second ago, but he killed someone in the next second. The surrounding people were shocked.

Meanwhile, the angry Motorbots who had been blackmailed by the boss but didn't dare to say anything almost applauded when they realized what happened.

"Brother Liu, I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really fate." Lin Qing looked at the group of trucks.

"Um, Brother, you are…?"

"I'm Little Lin. You introduced a car for me to buy the day before yesterday. Do you still remember that?"

Brother Liu forced a smile. "So it's Brother Lin. We are indeed fated to work together even after going in circles. If you don't mind, I'd like to work with you.

"We don't have anything else but our strength. In the future, if Brother Lin wants me to go east, I won't dare to go west."

"Forget it. I'm not your brother anymore." Lin Qing suddenly grabbed Brother Liu's neck and lifted him up with one hand before slamming him down.


The asphalt cement road cracked as Brother Liu's head smashed a pit into the ground. Green smoke floated up, and his limbs were motionless.

Upon seeing this, the rest of the transport team turned around and transformed into vehicles. Then they pushed the accelerators and ran.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they were giants. But in Lin Qing's eyes, they were just like his little brothers. Lin Qing was so violent that he killed one of them with a single move without giving them any chance to retaliate.

Lin Qing crossed several meters in a single step and caught up with them in a few seconds. Then he delivered a punch and broke the waist of the last person. Following that, he crushed several people beneath his feet.

Someone saw that he wasn't as fast as Lin Qing and turned around, wanting to fight him head-on. But when he turned around, he was faced with a constantly expanding steel knee.

About ten seconds later, piles of scrap metal lay on the highway.

This wasn't a battle but a one-sided massacre.

The Motorbots watching this were scared out of their wits. This was the first time they realized the importance of foundation. After all, the difference between different vehicles was like that of heaven and earth.

Then they heard the hum of machinery behind them. Everyone looked back as an even larger Motorbot appeared.

The 20-meter-tall Huang Quan stood up and looked at Lin Qing with a complicated gaze. "Actually, you…"

Lin Qing took out the power crystals and threw a few over to Huang Quan. "Just tell me if you want them or not."

The second half of Huang Quan's sentence was stuck in his throat. He could only gloomily swallow the crystals.

Looking down at the ordinary people in the service area, Lin Qing said loudly, "If you want to eat, take some food for yourself. As for those who know how to cook, go to the cafeteria to help. You can eat your fill, but don't take the food away. There are many people behind, so leave some for them."

A Jetta Motorbot nervously asked, "Brother, I want to bring my wife and children to the capital. Can we have some food for the journey?"

"Why are you going to the capital? It's a few thousand kilometers away. According to the current road conditions, you won't be able to get there even after traveling for half a month. Who knows how many cities you'll have to pass through and how many steel beasts you'll encounter along the way?"

"B-but there's nothing I can do." The Jetta Motorbot was on the verge of tears. "Where else can we go other than the capital?"

Lin Qing glanced at the Motorbots that were dragging their families along and guessed that they were all thinking the same thing. At this time, they were out of their wits and could only run toward a big city.

"Isn't this place pretty good? It's a flat piece of land that's less than a hundred kilometers away from Ping'an City. Furthermore, it's only a day's walk away from the next city, so it's very easy to find food.

"Furthermore, I estimate that after dawn, the imperial soldiers stationed to protect Ping'an City will come and set up camp here to gather displaced citizens."

"Really?" The Jetta Motorbot couldn't believe this.

"You'll know tomorrow whether I'm lying to you or not."

The incident happened so suddenly that the soldiers of Ping'an City had yet to retreat. When they realized the strength of the steel beasts and knew that they couldn't defend against them, they would naturally withdraw.

Now that communication was cut off, the only thing they could do was to gather citizens and build a fortress while waiting for orders from above.

Lin Qing knew all this because this service area in his previous life was a safe place that he had stayed before.