Flame Devil Longsword

The Yalong Titanium Condensation Research Institute was close to North Spirit Mountain Park. This area had been a danger zone ever since the early stages of the Cataclysm.

There were no survivors within a radius of a few kilometers, and the streets were full of corpses and the bodies of broken Motorbots.

If not for the bulletproof glass door at the front of the research institute, the people here would have died long ago. But now that they were stuck here without food, there was no way they could survive.

Everyone would be dead in at most three days.


Just as everyone couldn't bear to see their colleagues being torn into pieces by the steel beasts, a steel wolf descended from the sky and smashed into the bulletproof glass door.

Its body was twisted and broken at the waist, leaving only a few steel bones connected.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a few consecutive explosions, the steel wolves that were eating humans died.

At the entrance of the research institute was a small plaza. Everyone saw a huge fiery-red mecha fighting in the plaza.

The pack of wolves charged forward one after another to tear at the mecha. But the mecha killed each wolf with a single punch, causing the ground to crack and large pits to appear everywhere.

Within a few minutes, the ground was full of the corpses of steel beasts.

After dealing with this pack of wolves, Lin Qing panted heavily as he ran to the entrance of the research institute and shouted, "Is there anyone inside?"

The glass door was a one-way tinted door, so he couldn't see what was inside.

"Yes!" The door opened, and someone cheered. "Are you here to save us?"

"Where is Professor Chen Chong?" Lin Qing looked around. Then his gaze landed on an old man in the crowd.

Chen Chong walked out. "That's me. Who are you?"

"My name is Lin Qing. I'm just an ordinary citizen. My time is limited, so let me make this short. I have a way to achieve a breakthrough in your titanium condensing technology."

"What?!" Chen Chong was shocked.

They had been researching this problem for so many years, but this person called Lin Qing said he could help them solve it so easily.

"Brother, why are you saying this at a time like this? Help us out first." Someone stomped his feet anxiously.

"This area is full of steel beasts, so I can't fight while bringing you guys with me." A roar came from afar, and a group of steel beasts slowly walked over. Lin Qing quickly said, "But I can send food to you regularly until the empire sends people to save you."

"What do you want?" Wang Xiaoming asked calmly.

If Lin Ping hadn't been sent by the empire, he definitely had a request since he was risking his life to help them at this moment.

"I'll provide you with a way to condense titanium and ensure your safety. In return, help me build a weapon. Don't worry. You can definitely make this weapon."

In his previous life, Huang Quan had passed by this place and saved these people. Along the way, he also captured a few steel beasts for them to research and pass the time. However, he never expected that Chen Chong would achieve a breakthrough in his research on condensing titanium because of the crystals. Furthermore, he also used the best technology in this research to forge a longsword for him.

It was the Flame Devil!

It was a sword that could produce extremely high temperatures.

Huang Quan was pretty big, but in the entire country, there were quite a few Motorbots taller than him. The main reason he could suppress others and become the Battle God of the Land was because of this sword.

In Lin Qing's previous life, he had the fortune of seeing Huang Quan easily slice an adult steel beast into two.

Due to the high cost of manufacturing and the lack of materials, such weapons were extremely rare in the world and could not be popularized.

Since Lin Qing was living his life once again, in order to fight with even greater enemies in the future, he had to obtain this high-end weapon.

"Alright, deal!" Wang Xiaoming didn't care what sort of sword he wanted and agreed right away.

Lin Qing didn't look at him and looked at Chen Chong.

After pondering for a few seconds, Chen Chong said, "If everything is as you say, I agree."

"Great. I'll bring you food later."

Looking at the hundreds of steel beasts surrounding him, Lin Qing turned into his heavy truck form and pushed down the accelerator. After killing more than ten of them, he escaped from this place.

Just now, he saw that the glass door of the research institute wasn't an ordinary door, so the steel beasts wouldn't be able to break through it in a short time.

"How is it? Did you find him?" Huang Quan asked when he saw Lin Qing return.

Lin Qing was covered in scratches after just a trip. He was now in a sorry state and looked completely different from before.

"I found him, but there were too many people for me to bring out."

"Then what should we do?" Yang Feng asked in puzzlement.

"We've talked about it. I'll guarantee them food for the next few days until the empire sends people to pick them up."

When Yang Fang thought about how many more days they would have to wait, his heart palpitated. "What exactly is this research institute doing? Are you sure the empire will send people to pick them up?"

"Professor Chen is very important to the empire. Don't worry. People will come to pick them up."

"How important is this person that you're willing to risk your life to wait so many days?"

Lin Qing sighed when he thought about Professor Chen. "It can be said that the entire city isn't as important as him. You will know the details later."

There were too many steel beasts, and their evolution abilities were strong. The Motorbot warriors couldn't resist them at all.

Furthermore, when winter arrived in a few months, many firearms would become unusable, as ordinary weapons were ineffective against the adult steel beasts. That would truly be the start of the disaster.

In Lin Qing's previous life, it was all thanks to Professor Chen's use of titanium condensing technology to combine crystals and form weapons that allowed ordinary people to use their combat abilities. Only then could they barely withstand the attacks of the steel beasts.

It could be said that without him, the humans of the empire wouldn't have been able to survive except the Motorbots.

Yang Feng and Huang Quan were silent and didn't continue asking. They only saw that Lin Qing's gaze was getting more and more strange.

His entire body was full of secrets that no one could see through.

"Let's go and collect some supplies to send over later." After resting for a while, Lin Qing stood up and raised his head to look at Yang Feng. "It's not safe here. There might be many battles ahead, so I'll send you to the research institute."

"Okay, be careful."

Since he wasn't a Motorbot, he would only be a burden if he stayed behind. This was something Yang Feng understood.

In the afternoon, while Lin Qing was collecting a cart of supplies, Huang Quan said to him, "I'll be the vanguard this time. You'll be in charge of hauling the goods and carrying Little Feng."

Since Huang Quan was stronger than him, Lin Qing didn't refuse. He nodded in agreement. "If we encounter anything, we will retreat. If we can't send the goods over this time, we'll just find another chance."

"Nonsense. Do you want me to risk my life just to deliver a few packets of instant noodles?"

"Hahaha, it's good that you have such awareness. I was afraid that you would be inflexible."

Compared to when he was at his peak, the current Huang Quan was not as decisive in killing and was ignorant of the consequences of his actions. Lin Qing was really afraid that he would protect Professor Chen with all his might after knowing the importance of Professor Chen. He might even sacrifice himself.

Hundreds of steel beasts were napping on the ground in the plaza at the entrance of the research institute. It seemed like they were planning to use this place as their nest.

Huang Quan floored his accelerator and charged forward to kill. He drove to the bulletproof glass door, turned into a 20-meter-tall giant, and started fighting.

Behind him, Lin Qing shouted, "Open the door!"

As soon as the door opened, he reversed while in truck form and threw the food he had prepared on the ground while putting down Yang Feng. Then he pushed everything into the institute in his mecha form.

"This is my friend. I'm sending him to your place to hide for a few days."

Chen Chong nodded heavily. "Don't worry. We will definitely ensure his safety."

Then Lin Qing turned around and shouted to Huang Quan, "Old Huang, throw a steel beast over."