Breaking Through to Adulthood

After Lin Qing finished dealing with the other crocodiles, he came over to help Huang Quan. He picked up a utility pole by the road and threw it at the crocodile.

The surrounding buildings had been destroyed and reduced to a wasteland, while the streets were full of potholes and large holes. The incessant roars of wild beasts resounded, and the sound of fists hitting flesh echoed far away.

Five minutes later, the battle was over. After emptying the crystals from the crocodiles with great ease, the two of them quickly left.

When they reached a deserted neighborhood, Lin Qing and Huang Quan counted their spoils of war.

"These six crystals are mine. You can have the big one." Huang Quan gave Lin Qing the crystal from the giant crocodile that they had killed together at the end of the battle.

"You're really generous. This big crystal is from a steel beast that has evolved four times. It's incomparable to crystals from steel beasts that have only evolved twice."

The energy from the six crystals that Huang Quan took couldn't compare to the energy contained in this large crystal. Lin Qing didn't expect him to portion the crystals like this.

With a crooked smile, Huang Quan said, "I should be able to evolve for the third time after either eating these six crystals or eating just the big crystal. It's all the same.

"But you're different. You can reach adulthood by eating the big crystal but not the small ones."

Lin Qing had already evolved for the fourth time a week ago and had eaten many crystals during these few days. He was just one step away from evolving for the fifth time.

"Thanks, Old Huang. When I reach adulthood, I'll definitely help you find a few big crystals."

"You've saved me so many times. What's there to thank me for? If you really want to thank me, just be gentler when you train me next time."

During these few days, the two of them had been either hunting steel beasts or sparring.

Lin Qing's body only reached his shoulders, but he was stronger than Huang Quan, so Huang Quan would be the one getting beaten up every time. After being defeated for so many days, his usage of his strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

Previously, when he walked on the streets, he would create potholes with every step because he couldn't control his strength. Now, this situation no longer happened at all.

He could even perform a high-difficulty backflip on the spot easily.

"Alright, let's practice later." Lin Qing silently sighed as he looked at Huang Quan.

This feeling of beating up the Battle God every day would probably be less common in the future.

Huang Quan's combat talent was very strong. His foundation was also very good, and he would become stronger every time he fought. Now, he was completely used to fighting as a mecha.

"Cut the crap. Hurry up and eat the crystal. I want to see what adulthood looks like."

Lin Qing smirked. "I definitely won't disappoint you."

As the crystal entered his stomach, the energy in his body became saturated and instantly exploded. If he only had steel bones in the past, now it seemed as if he also had steel blood vessels.

He could clearly feel that there were more tiny tubes in his limbs and bones. The energy from his crystal flowed through the tubes before returning to the crystal in a continuous cycle.

In terms of appearance, he was at least 18 meters tall, and his entire body was blood-red. There was not a single spare part on his body. He was simply a perfect work of art.

His right arm started to creak and move mechanically. A thought flashed through his mind, and his hand retracted. Then a round barrel with nine holes in it stretched out from his wrist.

Huang Quan jumped up. "F*ck, what are you doing?"

Without saying anything, Lin Qing raised his arm and aimed at a building. The gun barrel spun crazily, and bullets with golden light shot out. In less than ten seconds, the wall broke.

"F*ck!" Huang Quan widened his eyes in shock. "This doesn't make sense. You don't have any bullets, so how can you fire them? Moreover, that was such a powerful attack."

"They aren't metal bullets." Lin Qing blew at the smoking muzzle before it turned back into a hand. "They are laser bullets, supplied by the crystal energy in my body."

Lin Qing stood up and jumped into the air before suddenly spinning around in front of the dumbfounded Huang Quan. He spun 720 degrees, making him more agile than a diver, and then turned into his heavy truck form after landing.

Afterward, he transformed into the mecha again. He jumped 50 meters without any sense of heaviness. Then he punched the ground and spiderweb-like cracks spread out in all directions, extending to Huang Quan's feet.

The greatest benefit of reaching adulthood was that he could use the energy from his crystal. When he delivered a punch, energy from his crystal would gather at his fist, and his strength would increase by several times.

His hand could also transform into a gun barrel that shot laser bullets at enemies.

However, the disadvantage was that the energy from his crystal was limited and would be depleted if used without restraint. When the time came, he wouldn't even be able to carry out even the most basic control of his body and would enter a dead state. At that time, he could only slowly wait to recover.

"Isn't this too heaven-defying?"

"This is nothing. Those who have reached the Lord and Overlord levels are the truly terrifying ones. A single person can destroy a city and an entire country."

This was the first time he had heard Lin Qing talk about the Lord level and the Overlord level. Huang Quan knew that it was time for him to start learning again, so he immediately turned into Lin Qing's student and sat up straight.

"Tell me about the Lord and Overlord levels."

Satisfied with the Huang Quan's attitude, Lin Qing slowly said with his hands behind his back, "Normal Motorbots will reach adulthood after evolving five times, and the character 車 will appear on their chests. The same goes for steel beasts, but the character 兽 will appear instead."

Lin Qing's tone was serious. "When that time comes, steel beasts will develop intelligence and become many times stronger than when they were wild beasts.

"Whether it's an adult steel beast or an adult Motorbot, they will reach the Lord level after evolving another five times. Even missiles can't kill them at that level."

Then he stretched out his arm and transformed his hand into a gun barrel. He glanced at Huang Quan and asked, "What do you think of this weapon?"

"Ten times stronger than most machine guns."

"When you reach the Lord level, this gun barrel will be the foundation from which a laser cannon evolves. It can penetrate a mountain with just one shot."

Huang Quan swallowed hard. "What about the Overlord level?"

"I don't know. Hehe, I can only tell you when I reach that level."

In his previous life, there were very few Overlords. Furthermore, he had never seen these people go all out. He had only heard that they could destroy the world and fight against an entire country.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Huang Quan asked, "Lin Qing, how did you know about these things?"

"Would you believe me if I said I dreamed about it?"

Huang Quan thought, I don't believe you. Even if you don't tell me, I'll find out one day.

On the twelfth day after Yang Feng entered the research institute, Professor Chen achieved a breakthrough in his titanium condensation technology. He laughed excitedly and almost died from his laughter.

After seeing the fireworks signal, Lin Qing and Huang Quan came over at noon along with a car of supplies.

Lin Qing, who had evolved to adulthood, used his laser bullets to sweep across the plaza, killing the group of steel beasts in the plaza.

"Professor Chen, congratulations."

Professor Chen's pupils constricted when he saw Lin Qing, as he knew that Lin Qing had evolved. "I should be the one congratulating you. Now that I have achieved a breakthrough in the titanium condensation technology, what weapon do you want me to forge?"

"A sword, a flaming sword that can heat up…"

He didn't know the specific functions of the Flame Devil, so he could only describe it roughly according to what he had seen in his previous life.

Since this sword was from the research institute, he believed that they should know about it.

Chen Chong's brows tightly knitted together. After a while, he said, "I'm sorry. I can't make the sword you want. It's too difficult. Even the materials alone are not easy to find."

Lin Qing was dumbfounded. Then he was furious. "Professor Chen, I know that the research institute can create this sword. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked you."

In his previous life, he was able to forge this sword for Huang Quan, but he couldn't when it came to Lin Qing. Wasn't this bullying an honest person!

"I really can't do it." Chen Chong sighed helplessly. "I'm a researcher, not a weapons expert."

"Old man, don't force me. How about I find a few more steel beasts for you to recall? Maybe you'll remember how to forge the sword then."

"Hold on. I can do what you said," said Wang Xiaoming, who had been listening attentively. "Teacher, I remember that there's a material in the laboratory suitable for the weapon Lin Qing mentioned."