Yang Ao

It was truly a fine weapon!

Lin Qing was very satisfied as he looked at the sword. His combat power increased by several times with this sword in his hands. When facing enemies of the same level, he would be able to kill each enemy in one slash.

The only drawback was that it expended too much crystal energy. Expanding the blade consumed half of his energy, and every slash he made would use up a small portion of energy. It would take at most two minutes before he was completely exhausted.

"It produces high temperatures after injecting crystal energy into it. Let's call it the Flame Devil then." Lin Qing simply mentioned the name of the sword from his previous life.

"Flame Devil! What a good name!" Huang Quan's eyes were fixated on the sword as he turned around and said to Wang Xiaoming, "I want one too!"

This sword was too impressive. Who could withstand a single strike from this sword? It was definitely a great killing weapon.

"No!" Wang Xiaoming shook his head in rejection.

"What?" Huang Quan rubbed his hands together. Lin Qing could use his laser gun to destroy a building, but he couldn't. Wasn't this bullying an honest person?

"I really can't make any more such weapons. After all, the material is scarce, and there's only so much. I've used all of it up."

The main material for making this sword was a heat-resistant steel used for rocket launches. Moreover, its internal parts were made using their titanium concentration technology and could only be forged after gathering the strength of the entire research institute.

Under normal circumstances, it would be possible to replicate the same sword, but where would he find the material during such a time?

After all, the entire empire was in chaos.

But Huang Quan was unwilling to give up and said pitifully, "It's fine even if it's a bit inferior to this one. There must be some scrap material left. At the very least, make me a sword."

If he had known that Lin Qing wanted this kind of killing weapon, he would have gotten one no matter what. After all, once he missed this opportunity, there wouldn't be another one.

Wang Xiaoming sighed in pity. "I might be able to do it again in the future, but not now."

"Lin Qing, let me take a look at the sword." Huang Quan stared at the Flame Devil.

How could Lin Qing not know what he was thinking? If the Flame Devil fell into Huang Quan's hands, he would definitely run away with it overnight.

"I have to go home and discuss it with my parents."

"Didn't you say that you're an orphan, the child of destiny? Where did your parents come from?"

"That's why there's no room for discussion!"

Huang Quan thought about it…

Lin Qing pushed the switch back, and the blade disappeared. Then he put away the sword handle.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

As they were talking, they heard a noise coming from the horizon. When they looked up, they saw a black helicopter rapidly circling the city.

After stopping for a few seconds, the helicopter charged toward a tall building.

Just when everyone thought that the helicopter was about to crash and be destroyed, it turned into a mecha and stood on the roof of the building.

Then mecha turned around in the dark and looked at the research institute a few hundred meters away.

The next second, the mecha jumped down from the building, turned into a helicopter midair, and flew toward them.

"This is… an armed helicopter?" As the helicopter approached them, Lin Qing couldn't remain calm after seeing its full appearance.

It was 14 meters long and 4 meters tall. Normal civilian helicopters weren't that big.

But who in the world would have a private military helicopter? This was the Blue Dragon Empire, where ordinary civilians wouldn't even be able to see a real gun in their lifetime, let alone a private military helicopter. In contrast, it would not be surprising for private tanks and military helicopters to appear in small countries that had been fighting wars for years.

"No, this is a modified military helicopter." Huang Quan was experienced and knowledgeable, so he could tell what was going on with just a glance. "That helicopter has no weapon system."

Lin Qing looked over and realized that there was really no weapon system.

"Second Brother, I'm here!" Yang Feng jumped up and waved at the helicopter. Then he smiled and said to the few of them, "We're on the same side. That's my brother, Yang Ao."

"Is he the one you said had a helicopter?" Huang Quan was no longer calm.

"Yes, that's him."

"Is your family going to launch a revolt?"

"Pfft, your family is the one rebelling. This military helicopter is a retired product with the weapon system removed long ago. My brother is a pilot in the military, and he bought it through his connections. It looks like a military helicopter from the outside, but it's actually quite similar to ordinary civilian helicopters."

Huang Quan pointed his middle finger at him. "I don't believe you."

Even though the weapons system had been removed, what about the radar? What about its engine? What about the other systems? These were all genuine military hardware.

The military helicopter was very fast. Within a few seconds, he landed in front of them. After putting away the four-winged propeller behind him, he turned into a 15-meter tall black mecha.

"Brother, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Yang Feng walked forward while in his military coat. "How's our family?"

"Grandfather, Grandmother, Second Uncle, and Second Aunt have all been sent to a safe place. You're the one everyone is most worried about."

After Yang Ao finished talking to Yang Feng, he turned to face the building that had been cut diagonally. His eyelids twitched. Why does it look like it was cut with a knife?

"Let me introduce you. These two are my friends, Lin Qing and Huang Quan. It's all thanks to the two of them that I'm alive now. Otherwise, I would have died long ago."

"Hello, Brother Lin. Hello, Brother Huang. I'm Yang Ao, Yang Feng's younger brother." Yang Ao extended his hand and shook hands with the two.

He had noticed these two big guys from afar. The reason why he flew here wasn't because he saw Yang Feng, but because he saw Lin Qing and Huang Quan.

More than ten days after the Cataclysm, he had seen all kinds of Motorbots, but it was rare to see such large ones.

"Hello, I've heard so much about you." Lin Qing didn't expect Yang Feng's younger brother to be Yang Ao.

He was familiar with this person. After all, Yang Ao was also a famous person in the later stages of the Cataclysm.

There were very few helicopter mechas in the country and even fewer such military helicopters. In fact, these mechas were even rarer than mining dump trucks like Huang Quan.

This was because they could fly!

Since the dark clouds covered the sky, magnetic fields were greatly disrupted. As a result, planes were unusable, and helicopters were the fastest in long-distance transportation.

They could ignore ground traffic and obstructions, so they would take only a few hours to travel from the south to the north at a speed of 200 km/h.

"Do you know me?"

"I've heard Little Feng mention you many times. He said that he has an amazing younger brother. Now that I've seen you today, you truly live up to your reputation."

Yang Ao came from the army and was very powerful. Lin Qing remembered that this bigshot was one of the first people to break through to adulthood. Later on, he became one of the few Overlords and a representative of the army.

"Haha, not at all. I'm still far behind compared to you guys. Oh right, have you guys thought about where you want to go? Why don't you come to Qingzhou? Everyone should have companions."

"Don't worry. They are going to Qingzhou." Yang Feng sniffled. "Lin Qing, Old Huang, remember to look for me when you're there."

"Sure thing. But we might not be able to get there anytime soon, so please take care of my parents."

"Leave it to me."

Yang Ao turned into his helicopter form, and Yang Feng hopped on. The people from the research institute shouted anxiously, "Brother, bring me along."

Yang Ao looked at the research institute sign and said, "Ten minutes ago, I saw helicopters from the capital on the way here. They're here to pick you up, so there's no need to squeeze in me."

"F*ck!" Yang Feng slapped the dashboard and chuckled at the researchers. "Professor Chen, Brother Wang, everyone, do you want to join us? Whatever the capital can provide you, Qingzhou can. Our welfare benefits in all aspects are definitely top-notch."

After staying at the research institute for a few days, he knew how terrifying this place was. Furthermore, their titanium condensation technology would definitely be an incredible thing in the future. There was also Wang Xiaoming, the chief designer of the Flame Devil, who was absolutely a genius.

Putting all this aside, there were dozens of scientists who would be treasures wherever they went.

Chen Chong cupped his hands in thanks. "Thank you for your kind intentions. But since the empire has sent people to pick us up, I can't leave."

Wang Xiaoming chuckled as well. "See you next time then. If I have the chance, I'll definitely look for you in Qingzhou."

The other researchers also rejected Yang Feng. First, Yang Ao could only take a few people. Second, since the empire had already sent people to fetch them, there was no need for them to go to Qingzhou.

Feeling regretful, Yang Feng punched the dashboard again. If Yang Ao hadn't said that the imperial helicopters were coming, he would have kidnapped Chen Chong and Wang Xiaoming today.