Adult Steel Beast

"Boss, Handong Province overlooks a river and is made up of plains. There are a total of twelve cities here. Right now, we are in Jinpu City, which has a population of four-point-eight million. Excluding those who have already turned into Motorbots and those who have escaped, about half of them now remain in the city…" Ye Daying introduced the area to Lin Qing non-stop while staying half a step behind him.

"Hey, who's your boss?" Lin Qing's mouth twitched. They had only known each other for half an hour.

"That's not important. I've already decided to follow you. From now on, you're my boss. If you want me to go east, I definitely won't go west."

Huang Quan lifted Ye Daying up and laughed. "What gives you the right to follow us?"

Killing steel beasts had always been their goal. If it hadn't been for the sewer explosion, this fellow wouldn't have obtained those crystals.

But it was fine now. After all, he was now addicted to eating crystals and depended on them.

"It's because I have good marksmanship." Ye Daying's face turned red as he struggled but couldn't move. He took out the large sniper rifle on his back. "I won't miss any shots within one thousand meters.

"Besides, I'm small and can run fast, so I can scout ahead and run errands."

Huang Quan shook his head. "Steel beasts evolve quickly, so it won't be long before your sniping can only hit mosquitoes. Besides, Lin Qing can kill countless beasts with a single shot, so there's no need for you.

"As for running fast, what's the use of that? After all, our current speed is enough. We don't even need to scout ahead since Lin Qing and I can defeat anyone in the world if we work together. Who are we afraid of?"

"Then you… then y-you…" Ye Daying was anxious, and his brain worked quickly. "You need to clean up the battlefield, right?"

"We do everything ourselves. Isn't this something an expert should do? How low-classed!"

"In the future, you two brothers only need to be in charge of combat. I'll scout the way, gather intelligence, clean up the battlefield, and collect crystals. Ahem ahem. Of course, I only need a little reward of just a few crystals."

It had been half a month since he became a Motorbot, but this was the first time he had seen someone able to defeat hundreds of steel beasts with just a lift of a hand. That scene earlier had shocked him.

This was a true expert worthy of him following.

Of course, Lin Qing's magnanimity was his main motivation. After all, he had rejected the more than one hundred crystals simply because he didn't want them. This made him seem very generous.

He would become stronger if he followed such a person.

"F*ck, do you want to steal my job?" Huang Quan slapped Ye Daying on the head. "Once you've done everything, what am I supposed to do?"

"Second Brother, didn't I just say that you'll be in charge of fighting?"

"Bullshit. Do I even need to fight? Also, don't call me Second Brother."

"Then I'll call you Second Boss. Trust me. I'll definitely be useful. Leave the chores to me. If you encounter any danger, just run away without saving me."

Whether they wanted to add more people to their team wasn't up to Huang Quan, so he looked at Lin Qing. "His ability is a bit useless, and he doesn't have much potential. His only advantage is that he can run fast. Do you want to take him in?"

"Sure, why not?" Lin Qing rolled his eyes. "I even took in a good-for-nothing like you. What's one more?"

Huang Quan was anxious. "I'm very strong. I can destroy a building with one punch. Who else has the strength to do that?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you're strong. But you're not as fast as me, your combat strength is inferior to mine, and your intelligence is also average. What do I want you for? If you can't achieve adulthood in less than a month, we'll part ways. I can't afford to raise you."

Walking at the back, Huang Quan cursed, "F*ck, you idiot, don't give me the cold shoulder! If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have given you the large crocodile's crystal."

"I'm the one who should feel regret. Even after hunting crystals for so many days, you still haven't grown…"

Hearing the two big shots cursing at each other, Ye Daying trembled and didn't dare to make a sound. He only encouraged himself to become stronger in his mind.

Even someone as strong as Second Boss was about to be kicked out of the team. If he remained at his current strength throughout, they wouldn't even need him to do odd jobs in the future.

Under the guidance of Ye Daying, the three of them arrived near the biggest wild game market in Jinpu City half an hour later.

The first thing they saw were collapsed buildings, corpses of Motorbots, burned residential buildings, and dilapidated streets.

"Big Boss, I'll go check the situation first."

Ye Daying was very self-aware and took the initiative to take up the job of scouting ahead. He turned into his motorcycle form and disappeared into the corner of the streets in the blink of an eye.

But what he didn't know was that with Lin Qing and Huang Quan's height, the two of them had already seen the situation in the market. This area was already occupied and full of steel beasts.

Rubbing his chin, Huang Quan was puzzled. "Boss, that's not right. Why do the steel beasts here get along so well? Why don't they kill each other?"

Previously, when they had stayed in Shenbei, there were numerous steel beasts of many types there. Overall, they all grouped together in their various races, and it was common for them to kill each other.

But this was a market for wild animals. With almost a hundred kinds of steel beasts here, the situation was even crueler than in North Spirit Mountain Park. It was strange and unusual that there were no steel beasts killing each other!

"It's simple. It's because they have a leader who has used its absolute strength to suppress all the steel beasts and make them not dare to resist." Lin Qing's eyes were deep as he stretched his neck and strode toward the market. "Let's go and meet this leader."

A few hundred meters away from the market, at the window of the eighth floor of a certain building, Ye Daying observed the surroundings using his 8x scope. The more he looked, the more shocked he became.

The streets were full of powerful steel beasts, each as big as a water buffalo. The steel beasts they had killed previously definitely couldn't compare to these beasts.

His line of sight slowly moved. A 40-meter long and half-meter wide alley appeared out of thin air in his field of vision.

No, it wasn't an alley!

"That's not an alley." Ye Daying saw an enormous head. It was a horrifying-looking giant steel python with eyes bigger than lanterns.

What was more worrying was that Huang Quan and Lin Qing were moving in that direction.

"You can't go there!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three gunshots broke the silence, and the cement beside Lin Qing's feet scattered in all directions.

Looking in the direction of the gunshot, Huang Quan asked, "What's he trying to do?"

"He's probably telling us not to go over there. It's probably dangerous up ahead."

"This joker. His gunfire was so loud. Even if there was no danger, there's danger now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the light around them dimmed a little. A giant python was circling around a hotel, and its 40-meter-long steel body continuously scraped against the tiles on the wall.

It was rare for Lin Qing and Huang Quan to look up at other creatures.

This beast was the largest steel beast the two had seen so far. The scales of ordinary pythons were only the size of a fingernail, but the scales of this python were the size of a palm.

Its red eyes were like two lanterns hanging in the air, and its wide mouth had two rows of sharp teeth.

The most eye-catching thing was the 兽 character on the top of its head, as if it was the king of this area.

Da da da da da!

Lin Qing raised his arm and shot his laser gun. With such a large target, there was no need for him to aim.

Sparks flew everywhere. But these laser bullets that could even penetrate steel and cement walls were ineffective against the python. This was a rare sight. The python simply twisted its body in pain, immediately destroying the hotel.

"How impressive." Huang Quan raised his head and sighed. "I thought laser guns were invincible. At this rate, it will take half an hour to kill it."

"Not really. Dozens of laser bullets can penetrate its body if they hit the same spot."

Seeing two of them still chatting, Ye Daying, who was standing on a tall building in the distance, collapsed. "Big Brothers, what are you talking about at this time? Hurry up and run."

He had seen the effect of Lin Qing's laser bullets before, and he still couldn't forget it. But since he wasn't even using such a powerful weapon, why didn't he run?