Chasing Thousands of Steel Beasts Alone

In a span of 100 seconds, at least 4,000 Steel Beasts had run through this street. And Lin Qing had ambushed about 300 of them at the rear.

They were all ordinary steel beasts who had not reached adulthood and had only evolved at most three or four times, so they couldn't withstand his laser gun at all.

In ten seconds, they fell one after another, accompanied by the clattering of bullets. Some bodies were even torn apart.

After killing most of the steel beasts, Lin Qing didn't use his gun to kill the remaining ones. After all, there were only a few dozen left, so it would be a waste of energy to continue firing his laser gun.


He rushed over and crushed a steel beast with one hand. Then without slowing down, he punched the 12-meter tall steel wild boar in front of him.

Its fangs broke, and its entire head exploded.

This attack was rough and simple!

Lin Qing aimed all his punches and kicks at the vital parts of the steel beasts without using any showy moves.

The muffled sound of wind and thunder echoed in the air as his kicks snapped the tall buildings in half while he punched the steel beasts. He didn't leave a single corpse intact, smashing them all to smithereens.


An intelligent steel monkey jumped onto his back, but he pulled it up and slammed it down. The next second, the cement cracked under his fist, leaving only a head in his hands.

Adult Motorbots were so terrifying that a casual punch could have the force of a cannonball, so Lin Qing slaughtered these ordinary steel beasts easily.

Two minutes later, the tall buildings on both sides of the street were badly damaged, and the ground and walls were awash with the corpses of steel beasts.

Lin Qing took a deep breath and prepared to clean up the battlefield. Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to shoot the wall on his left.

"It's me, Big Boss. Don't attack me." The one-meter tall cement pillar in front of him shattered, and Ye Daying raised his hands as he quickly spoke.

"I heard gunshots and came here!"

Lin Qing glanced at him. "I'll chase after the other steel beasts. You follow behind and dig up all the crystals. If you can't bring them away, bury them in the ground and come back later to get them."

"I promise to complete the mission!" Ye Daying immediately jumped down from the wall and started digging up crystals. His heart trembled as he looked at the corpses of the steel beasts all over the ground.

The last time he saw such a heart-pounding scene was yesterday. Back then, it was also Lin Qing who had taken action.

But back then, Lin Qing had only used his gun and didn't use any of his melee combat power. Just now, he clearly saw how Lin Qing had single-handedly fought dozens of steel beasts.

He was too ferocious. His pair of iron fists crippled any beast who came into contact with them.

His body was also unbelievably agile, and his combat experience was extremely rich. The various kicks, jump kicks, and elbow strikes that Lin Qing had executed made Ye Daying's scalp tingle.

Furthermore, after the fight, his face wasn't red, and he wasn't panting. Instead, he even went to chase after a few thousand steel beasts.

If others knew that someone was chasing after thousands of steel beasts alone, they might go crazy.

"If you dare to run away with my crystals, hehe…" Lin Qing sneered before he left, making Ye Daying's heart turn cold.

More than ten minutes later, Ye Daying followed the sound of the gunshots while carrying a sack to the second battlefield. This was originally a luxurious district, but it was no longer luxurious now.

Instead, it was a scene of devastation. Broken buildings and corpses of steel beasts littered the ground.

There were many steel beasts here, more than a thousand of them, and there was no lack of large beasts that had evolved four times.

When Ye Daying arrived, Lin Qing was sitting in the abandoned area with the Flame Devil in his hand. Beside him were layers upon layers of steel beast corpses that reached two stories high.

"Give me the crystals. Get to work!" Lin Qing waved his hand.

"Alright!" Ye Daying didn't dare to look into his eyes. He passed the sack of crystals over and turned around to continue digging out the crystals from the steel beasts.

For some reason, he felt a chill down his spine as his back faced Lin Qing. He felt uneasy as he turned around.

Crack, crack, crack!

A crisp sound came from behind him.

"If you want to replenish your energy quickly, chew a crystal and eat it. This way, you'll digest it faster. But during ordinary times, you just have to swallow a few crystals to satisfy your hunger."

While speaking, Lin Qing continued to take out crystals from the sack to eat.

His stamina depleted very quickly after using the Flame Devil, so he had to replenish his energy quickly, or it would be difficult to fight the next few tough battles.

"Gulp!" With his back facing Lin Qing, Ye Daying picked up a crystal and swallowed it. After all, taking out crystals was also hard work, and his hands were sore.

After finishing the sack of crystals, Lin Qing took a deep breath and stood up. "There's a tough battle ahead, so don't get too close."

The farther he walked, the stronger the steel beasts became. After all, there were several adult beasts on the battlefield.

"Got it!" Ye Daying nodded.

Huang Quan had arranged to meet Lin Qing at noon. When it was time, Huang Quan dragged his tired body to the place they had agreed on.

There weren't too many steel beasts on his side, but there were still quite a number of them. He had faced more than two thousand steel beasts. If not for the fact that he had been eating crystals and fighting the entire time, he would have long been exhausted to death.

In the end, he ate all the crystals he had obtained in the morning without leaving any left over.

However, this was not without its benefits. After successfully breaking through to adulthood, he became much thinner and wasn't as clumsy as before.

Like Lin Qing, he also felt the power of the crystal in his body flowing through his entire body. The force of his fists was several times stronger than yesterday.

Da da da da da!

He waved his right hand and turned it into a gun barrel. Then countless laser bullets shot out like a surging river, but he could only see sparks flying out from his hand.

"Oh, not bad. It looks like you've broken through!"

Two figures, one big and one small, slowly walked out from the corner of the street. Lin Qing walked in front while Ye Daying carried four sacks on his back. The sacks were so heavy that his waist was almost crushed.

Keep a low profile, keep a low profile! Huang Quan waved his hand with a smile. "Let's spar when we get back later."

Huang Quan was confident that he was invincible among those at the same level as him. Previously, when his level wasn't as high as Lin Qing's, he naturally couldn't defeat him. But now, it was different, as both of them had reached adulthood.

As long as Lin Qing didn't use the Flame Devil, he was confident in beating him.

"Sure, I'll wait for you!" Lin Qing smiled sinisterly.

In the city center plaza, Lin Qing swallowed his crystals in large handfuls. This kind of rich behavior made Huang Quan and Ye Daying jealous.

"You really don't treat me like a human!" Ye Daying felt his heart ache, as though Lin Qing was eating his crystals.

Lin Qing took out a handful of crystals and threw them to Ye Daying. There were around 30. "Here, take it as today's fee."

"Thank you, Big Boss! Big Boss is so handsome. Big Boss is awesome."

It was impossible for Ye Daying not to be envious that Lin Qing had obtained thousands of crystals. But even though he was envious, he knew how these crystals came about.

There were several times when he saw that Lin Qing was in danger and had nearly lost his life.

In comparison, he hadn't really done anything. It was already decent that he received a few dozen crystals for helping to pick them up. Furthermore, he had eaten a lot of crystals along the way to 'replenish his stamina'. So it wasn't a loss!

Under the watchful eyes of Huang Quan and Ye Dajing, Lin Qing quickly cleaned out the few sacks of crystals without leaving a single one.

Then he stood up and stretched his body. Seeing that his appearance hadn't changed at all, Huang Quan was confused, but he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "There's no time like the present. Shall we practice?"


The two of them got into a fighting stance as Ye Daying sat in the distance while eating his crystals excitedly and watching them intently.

"Let me tell you first. You can't use the Flame Devil." Huang Quan warned him. After all, its destructive power was too strong, and he wouldn't be able to withstand it. He would be dead in one slash.

"Sure, no problem." Lin Qing grinned and put his right hand behind his back. "Not only will I not use it, but I will also use only one hand."

"F*ck, you're too arrogant." Huang Quan was furious. This was the first time he was humiliated like this. Someone actually wanted to beat him with a single hand.