Team Battle the Heavens

"Captain Jiang, are you still leading them?"

Lin Qing and Jiang Cheng had returned together. Ye Daying's eyes widened when he saw the thousands of people behind them.

He had already seen what kind of shameful behavior these ingrates had displayed. He didn't expect Jiang Cheng not to give up and keep these people by his side.

"Sigh, everyone has run away. We should save as many as we can." Jiang Cheng looked back at the people covered in dust and sighed. "After all, they have other bases to go to."

The beast tide had chased after hundreds of thousands of people. He didn't even know if he could survive, so how could he care about others?

He had bumped into these people while he was trying to avoid the beasts, and they insisted on following him. Since there were pregnant women and children among them, he simply couldn't bear to leave them behind.

Leaning against rubble with his eyes closed, Huang Quan sat on the ground without moving and said lazily, "We've killed most of the steel beasts nearby. If you want to live, go find food yourself before it gets dark."

"Thank you!" Jiang Cheng cupped his hands and turned to everyone. "What are you waiting for? Go find some food. Are you waiting for me to feed you?"

Trembling in fear, the civilians headed to the surrounding shopping malls and convenience stores in groups of three to five.

After this battle, Jiang Cheng had matured a lot and was not as indecisive as before. Lin Qing nodded silently. He said to Huang Quan and Ye Daying, "Let's go as well and continue our next adventure!"

"Wait!" Seeing that Ye Daying was leaving, Jiang Cheng stopped him. Then he took out a few boxes of bullets from his luggage and threw them over. "These are special sniper bullets. There are still three hundred bullets left. I have no use for them, so I'll give them all to you."

"Thank you, Captain Jiang! I also have some crystals here. Take them to increase your strength."

"Get lost. I'm much stronger than you, so I don't need them."

"Hehe, not necessarily!"

Ye Daying was grateful to Jiang Cheng for appreciating his abilities and couldn't be ungrateful, so he forced the crystals into Jiang Cheng's hands and ran away.

Huang Quan also threw the second and third-evolution crystals that he had been playing with in his hands over and laughed. "You did what I wanted to do but couldn't. If we have the chance to meet again, I will definitely drink a few barrels of gasoline with you."

"Bye. There's no need to send us off!"

Strong winds gathered the smoke in the city. Under the dark sky, three figures walked farther and farther away.

Clenching the crystals tightly in his hand, Jiang Cheng looked at them leave with a complicated expression.

On the way to the next city, Lin Qing set the rules for their team.

"The two of you aren't young anymore, so the rules of our team have to change. In the future, all the crystals obtained from your individual operations will belong to you. As for group operations, we will distribute them according to the amount of work each person puts in. Any objections?"

Ye Daying didn't dare to have any objections. After all, it would be good enough if he could follow along. Huang Quan raised his head and said, "Of course, I have no problems with that."

"Alright, let's move on to the next topic. I'll assign tasks to the two of you. As our sniper, Little Ying's mission in battle is to attract firepower, investigate the terrain, cover the retreat, and clean up the battlefield."

Ye Daying suddenly braked and created tens of meters of skid marks on the ground. He said with a bitter face: "Big Boss, I have no problems with the rest, but covering our retreat is a little difficult."

Having to cover their retreat meant that even Lin Qing and Huang Quan had to run away. How powerful would the steel beasts be then?

Wouldn't he be sending himself to death if he covered their retreat?

"Nonsense. If it was simple, I would do it myself. Why would I need you? Just tell me if you can do it or not."

"Yes, I can!" Ye Daying gritted his teeth and forced a smile. "It's difficult, but it doesn't mean it's impossible."

Lin Qing was right. If it was simple, why would he need Ye Daying?

If he wanted to gain a foothold in this powerful team, he had to show his worth. After all, anyone could clean up the battlefield and retrieve crystals, and who knew when a new member would replace him.

Only by revealing his talents and displaying his irreplaceable nature would he be able to continue staying with them.

Huang Quan snickered beside them. Lin Qing glanced at him. "In the future, you will be the main firepower of our team. If anything happens, you will be the first to take the lead."

"Gah!" The smile on Huang Quan's face froze. A few seconds later, he said, "I have no problem with it, but why should I do so? You're stronger than me, so you should be the one taking the lead!"

"We should employ limited resources where they are needed most. Regardless of whether it's the Flame Devil or my Armament, the energy consumption is too great, and it's a waste to use them on small fries. The right thing to do is to kill a powerful enemy in a critical moment."

"Also…" Lin Qing paused and touched his chin. "Don't you think it's not cool to have an expert like me do everything? "

Huang Quan thought about it… "Can't you just say that you want to be a bully?"

He was clearly so strong, yet he wanted to play dumb to take advantage of the enemy. Huang Quan was really speechless.

Lin Qing played 'Today Is a Good Day' at the highest volume and said loudly, "Since we're a team, I suggest giving our team a name."

"Good! Since we're going to give our team a name, then we should give it an intimidating one!" Looking up at the dark clouds, Huang Quan said with a profound look in his eyes, "Since our goal is to one day slaughter the gods in the sky, we should call ourselves… F*ck the Heavens!"

Ye Daying thought about it…

Lin Qing thought about it…

"Ahem, ahem, ahem. This name is a little too high-profile and not nice at all. Why don't we call ourselves Battle the Heavens!"

"How domineering!" Ye Daying clapped.

"Actually, I think that F*ck the Heavens isn't…"

Ignoring Huang Quan, Lin Qing waved his hand and said, "Alright, since there are no objections, we'll call ourselves Battle the Heavens. Next up will be the captain. As the number one expert in the team, I will not shirk from this responsibility."

"The vice-captain will be Huang Quan, and the first squad leader will be Ye Daying!"

"Don't say that I'm an inhumane dictator. If you have any objections, just say so. I'll definitely listen to different opinions and actively make improvements."

Speechless, Huang Quan stared at him with his big eyes. The moment he opened his mouth, he decided the team name, captain, vice-captain, and first squad leader. Since he already arranged everything, what else did he expect them to say?

Pa! Pa! Pa! As the number one henchman under Lin Qing, Ye Daying clapped his hands excitedly. "No objections. We will definitely obey Captain's orders."

"Why are you so excited?" Huang Quan rolled his eyes. "There are three people in the team—captain, vice-captain, and squad leader. You don't even have a single person under you!"

"It's alright. I believe that our team will grow stronger in the future."

Lin Qing grinned and patted Ye Daying's shoulder in satisfaction. "I'll give you a whole lot of fortune in the future. Let's make it big and strong. We will create glory!"

"Captain, I don't want fortune. I want an anti-tank Barrett!"

"No problem. I will definitely give you one!"

What was the most important thing at the end of the world? Personal strength was one thing, but more importantly, you had to have a good team.

How many could one person fight? Could you fight a thousand, ten thousand, or even a hundred thousand?

It was not convenient to do many things alone when you were weak. Furthermore, you couldn't do everything by yourself either. But it was different when there were more people.

Lin Qing had been coveting Huang Quan for a long time. After all, the future Battle God of the Land would definitely be a great help to his team.

He wanted to create a team of Motorbots, one that could sweep through the world despite having a small number of people. This was the only way to gain a foothold in the Cataclysm and not fear the powerful.

Since citizens had turned into Motorbots, governors and corporations of various regions would assemble their own troops and present a challenge to the central government. Thus, the Blue Dragon Empire was going to change soon.

The strong preyed on the weak, and the world was in chaos. Without enough chips, you would not even have the qualifications to sit at this gambling table. Individuals would simply be eaten by predators and bankers.