No Overnight Grudges

Most of these Motorbots hadn't even evolved once, and even the strongest had only evolved at most twice. So they were no match for Huang Quan.

In an instant, all of them were lying on the ground.

Meanwhile, Ye Daying had blown off the heads of the Motorbots with pistols before they could even fire. In five seconds, the team of more than 200 Motorbots scattered in all directions.

The leaders, the bulldozer and the cross-country vehicle, wanted to run, but Lin Qing lashed out with his leg, causing the air to explode. Then the cross-country vehicle's waist collapsed, and his steel body broke.

After running a few steps, the bulldozer was also punched, and half of his body was destroyed.

Lin Qing didn't chase after the electric scooters or motorcycles. After all, there was no point in chasing after them. How much energy would their crystals have?

As usual, Ye Daying was responsible for taking out the crystals from the corpses.

Huang Quan frowned as he held the newspaper. "This Jiang Tianyun is really resourceful. The newspaper has already been sent here. I was just wondering why there was the sound of a helicopter flying over this morning."

"Open your 24K titanium alloy eyes wide. Is this the Yang City newspaper?" Lin Qing pointed to a corner of the newspaper. "It was issued by the White Pigeon Group!"

"The White Pigeon Group? This name sounds familiar!"

"Express delivery services in any city all belong to it. But other than delivery, it is also involved in the magazine business. Now that it has even published newspapers, it looks like it has already gathered its forces and gained a foothold."

Taking a closer look at the newspaper, Huang Quan saw that other than the bounty notice, there were also recruitment notices, as well as sections publicizing some evolved Motorbots after the Cataclysm.

Every section featured a different Motorbot, and these sections were published by the empire. Furthermore, there were many recruitment notices in the newspaper. Dozens of organizations, big and small, were all recruiting people.

In particular, large Motorbots received the best welfare and treatment. Not only were their families provided with a safe shelter, but they would also receive a certain amount of crystals every month.

Huang Quan widened his eyes. "It's definitely not free to publish information in the newspapers. Furthermore, normal Motorbots will definitely need crystals to purchase a newspaper. This White Pigeon Group is smart at doing business."

The people who published information in the newspapers were not ordinary people. They were all big forces who didn't lack crystals.

The price of a newspaper shouldn't be high. In fact, newspapers were very cheap, and most Motorbots could afford them. But the number of consumers was massive. After all, there were hundreds of millions of motorists in the country. Even if only one in one thousand bought the newspaper, it would still be an enormous profit.

Not to mention that newspapers were frequently issued.

The White Pigeon Group was very fast to have launched this business in such a short period of time. This was simply a monopoly!

"With its financial resources, it definitely has a lot of helicopters for delivery, and this newspaper will definitely spread all over the empire. What should we do then?"

Lin Qing didn't immediately answer Huang Quan's question. He lowered his head and pondered for a long time before saying, "Money moves people's hearts. With such a high reward, even I'm moved.

"There's no way for us to hide unless we run into the mountains. But that's not an option unless we hide there forever."

"Then what should we do?" Huang Quan was surprised.

Lin Qing raised his head and smirked. "Simple. We'll cripple the person who posted the bounty. The bounty won't be issued then, right?"

Ye Daying gulped. "Captain, y-you… what do you want to do?"

"I have always been a good-tempered person. If Jiang Tianyun has the guts to mess with us, he should be prepared for us to take revenge on him. We'll turn back and kill him."

That's the f*cking governor. Huang Quan shuddered. "Are we really doing this?"


In this era, if you wanted to have a stable foothold, you had to be ruthless!

In order not to be bullied by others, you had to display either your influence or your strength.

Lin Qing didn't have any influence now, but he still had a decent amount of strength. Furthermore, his team was small, and they could run away at any time. They had nothing to lose and didn't fear those in power. Who should be afraid now?

Ye Daying raised his hand and said weakly, "Such a large force should have a lot of crystals, right? Let's not be too ruthless. Let's stop once we steal their crystals. We shouldn't be too cruel, and we should leave some leeway for ourselves to escape too."

Huang Quan wanted to vomit blood. One of them said that he wanted to kill people, while the other said that he wanted to steal their crystals and even asked them not to be too ruthless.

If they really stole all the crystals in Yang City, Jiang Tianyun could chase them to the ends of the earth.

"That's a good idea." Lin Qing's eyes lit up. "Bad people are all extremely wealthy. Stealing their crystals will be much faster than painstakingly hunting steel beasts. It's decided then!"

"Ahem. Let me say a few words." Huang Quan felt that this was a bit too risky.

Lin Qing said slowly, "After sweeping through Yang City, it won't be a problem for you to evolve one more time."

"F*ck, let's do it!"

Without any delay, the three figures secretly left the city.

There were many steel beasts in the forest. Although their combat power wasn't high, snakes, insects, rats, and ants were not an ordinary nuisance, so they chose to travel by the main road instead.

They sped up and arrived at the Officer Appointment Deck before nightfall.

Standing at the top of the mountain, Lin Qing looked into the distance and saw a brightly lit area several kilometers away. In such a dark night, Yang City was simply a beacon.

"There are so many of them. One spit from each of them can drown us. It won't be easy!" Huang Quan frowned.

Ye Daying rolled his eyes and laughed. "We definitely can't fight them alone, but we can make use of the situation."

"What do you mean?" Lin Qing asked.

"We will make them suffer and then take advantage of the crisis for our personal gain."

Putting away his smile, Ye Daying continued, "I will lure steel beasts to Yang City and let them fight. Then we'll take advantage of the chaos to loot the crystal warehouse."

"No!" Huang Quan shook his head and firmly disagreed. "Doing this can indeed achieve our goal, but the civilians in the city are innocent. They have no resistance against such a large number of steel beasts."

Ye Daying's method was too vicious. He even involved the civilians and didn't care about their lives.

Yang City was the largest safe base in Handong Province. Currently, there were at least eight to ten million people in the city. If steel beasts were allowed to enter the city, no one knew many families would be torn apart.

"No, you're underestimating the resistance of Yang City. Jiang Tianyun has at least a few hundred thousand troops under his command, and there are probably more than one million Motorbots. But whether the steel beasts that we're going to attract are going to be a match for them is another problem."

Huang Quan was stunned. That's right. Jiang Tianyun had tanks, rocket launchers, armed helicopters, and numerous Motorbots in his army.

Ordinary steel beasts were simply no match for this kind of battle strength.

"Then let's do as Little Ying says!" Lin Qing decided. "The current steel beasts can't shock a big city like Yang City yet. We will lead them to start a riot outside the city, and then…"

The steel beasts in Yang City had long been wiped out, and the entire city was divided into various classes. The special workers lived in one district, the family members of the Motorbots lived in one district, and the hardworking refugees lived in another district.

Meanwhile, the army of Motorbots was split into four camps and were stationed in the four directions—north, south, east, and west.

The next day, when night fell, Huang Quan came to a hill in the south of the city and said to Lin Qing, "I've checked. The crystals are hidden in warehouse No. 82 of Shangyuan Road."

"Is this information accurate?"

"It shouldn't be fake. That guy took twenty crystals and ten bags of rice from me. Besides, his family is still outside the city, so he wouldn't dare to lie."

Lin Qing looked up at the night sky. It was very dark today. "Alright. Then we'll wait for Little Ying."

Not long after, the unique sound of the Kawasaki H2 pierced through the night, and a black motorcycle sped toward Yang City.

"This kid isn't bad!" Huang Quan praised Ye Daying as he saw the dense horde of steel beasts following behind him.

In order to attract these beasts, Lin Qing had hunted a lot of crystals during the day and deliberately gathered more than 200 crystals for Ye Daying to attract them.