Team is Reborn

Fourth-evolution crystals were rare, so there weren't many of them here, only about two hundred. Huang Quan then went after the third-evolution crystals. Along the way, he even found three adult crystals in a small box.

What should have happened still happened. Jiang Yanjun knelt on the spot. "Brother, take as many ordinary crystals as you want, but you can't touch those. If you touch those, I'll lose my life."

Adult steel beasts were too special, and countless people had died just for these three crystals. If they were lost, Jiang Tianyun would kill him.

But Huang Quan ignored him and threw the crystals into the sack. "If you keep talking, you'll lose your life immediately."


A bullet hit the warehouse door. This was Ye Daying's signal, indicating that there was danger.

Lin Qing said quickly, "Old Huang, let's leave. Brother Jiang, I'm not familiar with Yang City. Please send us off."

Jiang Yanjun winked at Xiong Ba and then followed Lin Qing obediently.

He had no choice but to cooperate. After all, a pair of iron pincers was strangling his neck.

With Jiang Yanjun leading the way, the three of them quickly left the city and arrived at the familiar Officer Appointment Stage.

Seeing Lin Qing staring at him with ill intentions, Jiang Yanjun said, "Brother, I didn't stop you when you wanted to leave, but you have to keep your promise. You promised to let me go."

"Did I say that?" Jiang Yanjun was an adult Motorbot, and Lin Qing didn't want to let him go.

"I won't talk about loyalty, filial piety, or benevolence, but you should pay attention to the most basic integrity." Jiang Yanjun's face fell, and he was about to cry. "If you treat your words lightly and go back on your word, if you don't even have this bit of credit, will your two brothers still dare to follow you in the future?"


"The more friends you have, the more options you have in life. In this life, who doesn't have difficulties? Let me off today. I swear that if I meet you again in the future, I will definitely let you off."

Without saying anything, Lin Qing raised his fist. Then the black color of his Armament faded and reappeared again. A few seconds later, he looked up and grinned. "I'm a man of my word. How can I go back on my promise? Leave!"

Phew! Jiang Yanjun heaved a sigh of relief. He had lost count of how many times he had been at death's door in the past few seconds.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yanjun retreated step by step. When he was far away from them, he turned around and ran. In less than two minutes, he met Xiong Ba and his group on the road. He was so touched that tears were about to fall from his eyes.

"Why is it just the few of you? Where's the main force?"

The people who came were part of his personal troops, which included about 50 construction truck Motorbots.

Before he was hijacked, he had winked and sent a secret message, signaling to Xiong Ba to call for help. He thought that Xiong Ba had understood, but he didn't think that there would only be so few troops.

"What main force?" Xiong Ba waved his hand, and one of the Motorbots under him threw a sack he was carrying forward, revealing the bright crystals in it. "Didn't you ask me to take the remaining crystals and shift the blame onto Lin Qing?"

My god… Jiang Yanjun's heart was racing. "I didn't die in the hands of Lin Qing and those bandits, but I will die in your hands sooner or later."

"Why don't I return these crystals now?" Xiong Ba knew that he had misunderstood and scratched his head awkwardly.

"What the f*ck? The warehouse has been looted. If we go back, we'll be shot to death. We'll just wash our asses and prepare to run."

So many pairs of eyes had seen Lin Qing take him out of the city. Now, a portion of the crystals was in his hands. This was simply hard to explain!

This was worse than eating shit. Jiang Yanjun asked with a straight face, "How many crystals are there?"

"About fifty thousand ordinary crystals. The ones that have evolved more have all been snatched by Lin Qing."

The crystals in the warehouse were the pay that Jiang Tianyun had prepared for the Nine Nether Army this month. But they were all gone before the end of the month.

"Fifty thousand crystals isn't a small amount." Jiang Yanjun looked at his old brothers and said resolutely, "We'll split the crystals, and each of us will take a thousand. If you work with me in the future, I definitely won't treat everyone unfairly!"

"Captain, since we are here, it means that we're determined to follow you!"

"We've long had enough of their stinginess. Why should we hand over the crystals we've worked so hard to hunt? It's all for those bastards!"

"That's right. Those high-level bastards aren't human. They are more ruthless than vampires. I don't want to work for them."

"Screw them. I'm not serving them anymore!!"

Jiang Yanjun was embarrassed, as they seemed to be referring to him. After all, he was one of the higher-ups in the base. He typically didn't have to do anything, but he was good at stealing crystals.

Otherwise, how could he have achieved adulthood?

The next day, after running out of the forest, Lin Qing and his team found a remote town to hide in and split the loot.

They were tired from working all night, but when they saw the sacks full of crystals, they were full of energy, and their faces were glowing.

As someone who had lived two lifetimes, this was the first time Lin Qing had seen so many crystals even though he had witnessed many major scenes. This trip wasn't a loss!


Huang Quan poured all the crystals onto the ground, forming a small hill a few meters high. The three adult crystals were the most dazzling.

"Lin Qing, you're the captain. You'll be the one to distribute them."

"Alright. Since everyone contributed this time, let's split the crystals evenly. Let's start with the adult crystals. Each of us will take one."

After dividing the largest loot, Lin Qing began to divide the fourth-evolution crystals, of which each person received 65. Then he divided the rest of the third-evolution crystals…

Half an hour later, after dividing the crystals, the three of them devoured their portion of crystals.

The first to change was Ye Daying. He had evolved twice, and he jumped two levels after eating the crystals and evolved for the fourth time.

The further you progressed, the slower your evolution became. So it was rare for anyone to experience a two-level jump. But Ye Daying had absorbed a lot of crystals during the battle at the Officer Appointment Deck, so with this accumulation, he was able to jump two levels.

Meanwhile, the Big Belly Huang Quan had also accumulated quite a lot of crystals previously. After swallowing all of these crystals, he barely evolved for the sixth time. But Lin Qing wasn't as lucky as them. His body was simply more solid, and his strength and agility had increased, but he hadn't evolved.

At his level, the amount of crystals needed for each breakthrough was astronomical. Even if he had accumulated a lot before, it was still not enough.

"Lin Qing, get up and practice!" Huang Quan's Armament appeared on his arm, turning it black. He couldn't wait to test its power. "You can use the Flame Devil to cut it."

"Are you sure?" Lin Qing placed his thumb on the second tier switch.

"Use the first tier. Be gentle. Take your time."

Fear filled his heart. He still didn't dare challenge the second tier of the Flame Devil. Its high temperature of 5,000°C was too violent. Furthermore, with Lin Qing's strength, he might be able to cut off his arm with one slash.

Lin Qing activated the first tier, and an eight-meter long red light shot out from the dragon's mouth. He said lightly, "I've never attacked a sixth-evolution Motorbot. Be careful."

"Yeah, come at me."


Using 30% of his strength, Lin Qing only made a small white mark on Huang Quan's arm that quickly disappeared.





Lin Qing used 50% of his strength, then 80%, then all of his strength. After using all his strength, he finally cut through Huang Quan's Armament, leaving a wound more than ten centimeters deep.

To a Motorbot more than twenty meters tall, a wound more than ten centimeters deep was nothing.

Huang Quan stared at his arm thoughtfully. After a while, he said, "Let's try another slash."


This time, Huang Quan also used his full strength. When the sword and his fist collided, a gust of air burst out from the point of impact. Ye Daying blocked his eyes. When he saw the situation through the gaps of his fingers, it was unbelievable.

"How is this possible?!"