Chapter 163: Human Elementalist (Carbon)

Mira thought 'Obviously I would want to see full details, give me the full details'.

[Human Elementalist (Carbon): An Elementalist is a creature that has a fundamental connection to a certain material or group of materials from birth. This material or group of materials is called Element. This connection allows the Elementalist to sense the Element within a certain range; this sense is called Element sense, the higher the sense the greater the range and precision of the Element sense.

The Elementalist can naturally control the Element they are connected to with energy and body movement, this is the defining feature of Elementalists, and it is called Element Kinesics. The control is less of using energy to force the movement of the Element but more of using energy and body movements to communicate specific instructions with the Element. The higher the proficiency of the Elementalist in Element Kinesics the longer the communication range and speed and depending on the specialization of the Elementalist, the Elementalist might be able to give complex commands or extremely specific commands.

Elementalists can fuse their bodies with their Element, this is called Element Tempering. It slowly changes the Elementalist's body parts and makes them fundamentally the same as their Element. As the proficiency of the Element Tempering skill increases the Elementalist will be able to:

Recover health and energy better and faster when they are around their Element.

Heal their bodies and recover stamina by turning their Element into body tissues.

Store certain amounts of their Element in their body cells.

Turn their body tissues into their Element and do the reverse freely.

Use an amount of their Element in the environment as an extension of their senses and body without using any energy as long as they are physically connected to it.

Do note that Elementalists are different from Elementals and Energy/Matter Life forms; hence they cannot fully transform their whole body into their Element so certain vital organs must remain untransformed for them to survive.

Elementalists can turn their energy into their Element, this is called Element Creation. As the proficiency of Element creation increases the Elementalist can:

Create temporary amounts of their Element that turn back to their Energy after a certain period of time.

Create permanent amounts of their Element that doesn't turn back to Energy.

Achieve Element Transmutation.

Element Transmutation is the peak skill of Elementalists that separates them from Elementals and Energy/Matter Life forms. Element Transmutation allows the Elementalist to permanently transform another substance into their Element.

Starting State (Boundless):

Strength: Grade 3 (Low)

Agility: Grade 3 (Low)

Stamina: Grade 3 (Low)

Durability: Grade 3 (Low)

Intelligence: Grade 4 (Low)

Senses: Grade 4 (Mid)

Energy: Grade 5 (Low)

Biomass: Grade 4 (Mid)

Life span: Undefined]

[Boundless: Boundless races cannot evolve beyond their current race but can improve faster than races that are not boundless and have no limit to the growth. The Grade of a boundless race is only an indication of their starting stats.

Boundless races use graded stats and have no unattributed en-code stat because they can store an unlimited amount of unattributed en-code. The Grade of a stat represents the range maximum en-code the stat would be in it was the stat of a member of a bounded race.

Grade 1: 1 – 999 million

Grade 2: 1 – 999 billion

Grade 3: 1 – 999 trillion

Grade 4: 1 – 999 quadrillion

Grade 5: 1 – 999 quintillion

Grade 6: 1 – 999 sextillion

The Low, Intermediate and High sub grades are indicators of the sub ranges.

Low: 1 – 9

Mid: 10 – 99

High: 100 – 999

For example your Grade 5 (Low) Energy stat indicates that you have Energy that corresponds to a bounded race member with maximum en-code that is between 1 – 9 Quintillions. It might correspond to a Low (low) stat with such a maximum en-code or a Pinnacle stat with such a maximum en-code. The quality of the stat of a Boundless race member is not as specific because of their superior growth rate and unlimited potential.]

Mira thought 'That's a large race description. I guess Mythical races aren't as simple as High or Ancient grade races.

This boundless attribute is a major upgrade though, I should tell people about it because with this evolving won't be needed anymore, people can just get stronger without reaching any limit.

The Elementalist race seems dope, the abilities seem nice, if only I knew what carbon was'

[Carbon is the sixth most abundant element on planet earth. Carbon is extremely important to life on earth all natural living things on earth have carbon in their bodies. Carbon alone can be used to make Graphite and Diamond naturally, with other elements in the mix carbon can be used to make simple constructs as steel, alcohol, crude oil, textile, carbon-dioxide and complex constructs like DNA (Genes) and organic life.]

Mira was surprised that an answer came. She thought 'They want me to choose wisely. This Carbon stuff is quite broken. Now that I have an idea of how carbon works I can't help but think the carbon Elementalist race is something that Jade would choose. He probably would know how to use it very well and would be able to bring the best out of it. Why did I get this as an option?'

[The Elementalist race was given to you for two reasons. First, because it requires both instinct and ingenuity to reach its full potential; it gives you a chance to improve your intellect.

Secondly, it has a specialized sense which would eliminate your weakness to stealthy creatures.

In summary the goal of giving you the Elementalist race is to remove your weaknesses without weakening your strengths]

Mira's was surprised again as she thought 'They put in so much thought'. She now looked at the Elementalist race differently now that she knew why it was one of her options, she saw it as a chance to branch out and be more capable instead of being a specialist in one sector.

She thought 'Now that I know this I want to know more about the other options. Show me the full details of the Perfect Chimera.'.