Zoe's Past.


Zoe Irvin, daughter of 'Faust Irvin' and 'Sabine Irvin'. She was once the leader but due to unforeseen circumstances is currently the second commander of the famous vampire knights know as the 'devouring tendrils', under the Vampire Queen's orders they would dispose of any and every enemy. And they each considered each one of them, family. All vampires consider themselves all a family. For more than a millennium, Zoe has been a part of the Knights, showing no mercy to her enemies rather she loved to torcher them bit by bit, removing one finger at a time, one toe at a time or even slicing them up making sure they stay alive while pulling out their insides making them watch as she playfully teased them with the most devilish smile on her face as if the devil himself is standing before her victims. She later earned the nickname the butcher for reasons and has been living up to that name ever since.

But she always knew she was missing something, something crucial, something she would give anything to have. Not so long ago, three years before the news of the Dragon Queen's daughter's birth she was on an important mission given to the knight group 'devouring tendrils' by the Vampire Queen herself. It was as follows, infiltrate the human empire 'Grucaelum' gather as much information as possible about their hero's, eliminate the priests and God worshipers and dispose of the king and Queen.

It was on this faithfully day that the one's furious, deathly, Vampire Knight Zoe lost something and in return gained something much more important. On this mission, still, the leader of the Knights she and ten more vampires joined her and of course, they were all women! All was going according to plan they learned of only six heroes have been summoned so far while the ten vampires deal with the priests and God worshipers they left the king and Queen which was Zoe's duty to dispose of.

With ease, she made it to the king chamber. Upon arrival, she eliminated all the guards. And the king of this famous empire has unsheathed his sword while his wife the Queen, as well as his six-year-old daughter, stood behind him with fear written all over their eyes. This however was something she saw every time she would kill someone, the fear was nothing new.

Zoe and the brave king stood together, one protecting his family, one following orders. With ease, Zoe moved in for the kill she wanted to avoid dragging this any longer after all her sisters were holding the humans back and what's more they have to escape quickly before the heroes arrive. She pulled out her dagger going straight for the king's neck, but the young king was not going to just stand there and die like a fool. He dodged to the right, swinging his sword sideways only to hit the air. Fear gripping his heart, he heard,

"Daddy lookout, behind you…"

The warning of his daughter was heard by the king, but still, he was unable to dodge. He turned around, but Zoe's dagger pierced his armour reaching his heart. Pulling the dagger out dropping the king to his knees, Zoe moved forward to the Queen. The king watches as the demon walks by him to his family, and while his heart is pierced, he still refused to die. All he had to do was hold on until the heroes arrived. Using a temporary healing spell at his wound, With a heart of gold he stood picking up his bloodied sword he screamed with all his might,

"Demon, leave my family alone! Come! Come face me…"

"Oh! You're still alive? Such a brave human you are, it's a shame I can't have my way with you!!! He-he…"

Turning back to face the king, Zoe brought her dagger to her face that was still covered in the king's blood only to lick it seductively laughing like a maniac.

Losing blood fast and feeling dizzy, the king knew he didn't have much time. Seeing his wife holding their daughter while she struggles and cries her eyes out only brought him more pain, sour, and bitter, than the pain from his heart. Zoe using vampire speed appeared before him only to pierce his abdomen, the king smiling used this opportunity to grab hold of the dagger wedged in him while piercing his short sword through Zoe's chest,

But the victories smile was short-lived. Smiling, Zoe pulled out the sword like it was nothing and tossed it aside. She saw the sword coming and could have dodged it easily by removing the king's arm, but chose not to. Seeing this the king fell to his knees again he looked up at the demon in his chamber and for the first time in his life as a brave king, he began crying.

"What's this, are you crying? How pathetic? Let me end your miserable life quickly."

Zoe was ready to kill him once and for all, but,

"Please, spare my family, they have nothing to do with this, please let them live I beg you, please…"

Zoe was speechless, for the first time in her life, one of her victims asked to spare another life instead of their own. She kept staring but pushed the thought at the back of her head only to be stopped yet again,

"Please take my life as well, but let our daughter live, please!!"

The Queen came running, getting on her knees holding her husband with both her arms looking at him with loving eyes as a wife should with tears streaming down those same eyes. Zoe was originally only here for the king and Queen, so she agreed to spare their daughter.

"Thank you…! My love do___"

"Mommy, daddy, noooooo…"

They didn't even get to say goodbye to their daughter. Zoe cut off the Queen's neck with ease using only her sharp nails which looked like claws. The king died shortly after due to the loss of blood, but to make sure Zoe removed his head. Their daughter, unable to stop crying ran towards her parent's bodies only to kneel and start crying even more. She kept crying and crying, shaking the bodies calling out mommy and daddy over and over, but it didn't help, they were dead, and they would not come back.

Zoe watched this all happen only to remember her family being murdered right before her eyes when she was only but a six-year-old child, the same as the girl before her. Zoe was once human a long time ago, but her village was attacked by humans. They rapped her mother and killed her father all in front of her eyes, but she was saved by a Vampire that was passing by who later on became her new mother, 'Sabine Irvin' it was so long ago that she has all but forgot it, yet here she is now taking a family away from another, just like what happened to her.

Unknowing to her, she began shedding tears of her own but was soon brought back to her senses from her sister's death. Soon six humans burst into the chamber, they were of course the heroes. All of them charged at once but Zoe was quick using her speed she reached the window only to hear,

"… I'll kill you… I'll kill you, you will die by my hands. I will kill you… You hear me…"

Hearing this she turned around to see the young Princess, with those red eyes and determination on her face she looked more like a demon than Zoe ever was.

At that moment Zoe knew, she knew one day she would regret leaving this child here alive.

Zoe somehow managed to escape but was almost half dead when she did, the heroes mean business, and they would not show kindness to their enemy. The Queen was disappointed in her abilities to protect her sisters, she may have eliminated the king and Queen, but her sisters all died, and they couldn't complete their mission of eliminating the priests and God worshipers.

She was demoted to second in command, but she never joined any missions ever again. That day she lost her place and gained something she had lost long ago, she gained her humanity back, her emotions…