The Ex-Best Friend

  Keira was refreshed and had her exercise. Her period is done and she could move around freely and have that extreme exercise with her husband. However, her husband didn't let her do any extreme exercise, or else she'll crush her carbs and get more hungry later. Anyway, she's in a good mood today. She's finally going to face that ex-best friend and have tea later. 

"I was wondering about those two," Keira said as she finished her make-up. 

"Who?" Alessandro asked while fixing his clothes. 

"Connor and Jo." 

"Don't worry about them. I am sure that they are enjoying the toys that you gave to them." 

  Keira put away her lipstick and laughed. 

"Are you sure that you want to meet her without Jo?" Alessandro approached her as she stood to fix his tie. 

"Yeah," She patted his coat and squeezed his cheeks. "My adorable hubby." 

  He kissed her lips. 

"We have to go." She reached for her purse.