Queen Meeting the Nightingale

  After Keira received from Johanna about the star from M-Entertainment, it somehow piqued her interest. She looked at the photos of the known producer and singer. She heard the songs from the singer named Charlotte and it was indeed akin to Alicia's compositions and also the melody that was put on it. Some people might not notice it but lots of musicians and music producers can identify it. 

"Here's the video of her singing one of your compositions," Johanna extended the tablet and Keira listened. She closed her eyes and from the song and the way the singer sings it, she knew that it came from the heart. The emotions also swirled, that's why most of the people who listened might cry. 

"Is she coming today?" Keira asked. 

"Yes, this afternoon." 

"I want her to sing in front of me. In the audio room." 

"Sure thing." Johanna smiled. "I think she will be another best. I think collaborating with Arianna will make them perfect."