
It was hard. Sweat dripped from inside of his suit as he kept running on the facility that was built in 3D. In a very short time, he reached the facility using the new suit. He reached for the big gun and started firing at every person that was on his way without missing anything. He stopped when he was hit and the electric thing vibrated through his body like a real gunshot. 

He turned around and used his knives to that people and shortly, he reached the base as he stopped and removed the helmet. He looked around to find that there's no opponents and everything was made as an illusion. 

"Bravo," Wendy cheered up. "You can get them fast right, bro?" She asked. Victor nodded his head as one of the staff approached him with the towel. He wiped off his sweat. Suddenly, he winced as his left leg ached and his knees dropped on the floor. Wendy screamed and called them out.