The Growth

  Johanna was perfectly on time every time she arrived in the office. She doesn't waste much time. As soon as she sat on Keira's swivel chair, the door in the showroom opened. A man in his casual clothes, Polo Shirt, denim pants, leather shoes, and a cap walked toward the sofa. He sat down, with the grace of a man. Then, he crossed his legs and picked the folder. 

"I am leaving in an hour. Are you ready, Hannah?" he asked. 

"Yes, Papa." She stood from her swivel chair, bent down, set up the code to her drawer, and took out the box. She went around to the sofa across from him. Carefully placing the wooden box over the coffee table and she showed the gun and the bullets to him. "This is a temporary drug that would deactivate the nanomites in Victor's head. Violet is currently revising the destructive nanomites in Victor's blood."