The Prince and the Lady

  MJ walked into the garden while gently pushing the baby's stroller to give her lovely daughter nice morning sunlight. She stopped and sighed. It is good to walk. Maybe in a few months or two years, she might be able to do things like running and jumping to block another. She's sure that her husband will be very busy taking care of the country across the continent, plus running this Empire. She wanted to be useful for him besides being a wife and the mother of their baby. She was a former agent. 

"Babe!" Harvey came running in his usual gym clothes. He stopped and panted. He kissed her lips and then peeked at baby Dione. "Hello, my little Princess." 

"So, what do you need before I go off to work?" He asked. 

"Where are you off to?" She asked. 

"I have to go somewhere." He moved closer to her and whispered it to her ear. She nodded her head. "You can take care of whatever surrogate you like to carry our baby."