Charles as Traitor

  Johanna was watching her daughter swimming with her father. Dione and Calli were also enjoying the pool together with their dads. She admired them. She needs to chill out from all of Quinn's wants. It was a big headache as she would argue about what she wanted in the future. She was amused at how Quinn can sink everything quickly into her head.

  Her phone rang just when she was chilling. She answered it and chewed some cashews. 


"Hannah Grace, it's Ken. Did your husband tell you to call me back or something?" 

"He totally forgot. He's busy playing with Quinn." 

"Okay, uh. Listen." 

"I'm listening." She continued chewing. 

"I need your help. I might risk my Empire, but I surrender the Charles Empire to you for the sake of my child. Let's meet up." 

"Meet up? Bro, your brother-in-law was trying to bomb that land."