
'Stein, scan our surroundings. Is it possible for us to locate someone with an identical Luna Device like Bluetooth or wireless network from my world?' Zhang Qin Feng asked as he went further down the street. He arrived at a motorway after a five minutes walk.

'My gosh... Look at this wreckage...' Zhang Qin Feng was surprised by how wide is the motorway. There were six lanes on both sides, filled with destroyed or salvaged vehicles of all sizes.

By looking at how majestic is these ruins look, Zhang Qin Feng felt that it should look much better if it was not because of the Seed Crystal Virus outbreak.



[The system had refined the Luna II's scanning system. Although the success rate might be lower than expected, the device can now detect nearby active users in 1 kilometers proximity]


[Would the user like to test the functionality right away?]
