Leading The Horde Away!

"Woo!!!" the groans from the zombies are getting more problematic as they slowly gathered into the size of a stampede. But that's not the worst. What was getting bad is there's a few tyrant and screamer mixed in the swarm, making it more dangerous.

It was too late for Satella's warning because what's done is done.

All they could do now is to either abandon this location or fight to their death to defend it. Although the percentage of them winning is minuscule, the chances are much better than wandering outside aimlessly.

[Luna II detected multiple activities outside the premises. Advising the user to immediately clear the hostiles before the horde pushes forward]

Listening to Stein's suggestion made Zhang Qin Feng had a different idea as everyone was somewhat looking disturbed.

Perhaps... He was the only one with no sense of emergency because he had the Dimensional Travel as his backup plan. But such unfair treatment wasn't accessible by the others.