Anything to Report?

"I'd like to exchange these into food products, please." a survivor, likely from the group of non-specialist clone shelters, said as he dropped a pouch of jewelry on the table.

"Sure. The other survivor positioned on the other side of the table replied and placed the pouch in a material detector. A quick and detailed report on the number of precious metals soon came into the electronic tablet's screen.

"Based on the number written here, what you've brought to us worth five packets of instant noodles. Are you satisfy with the offer?" the survivor working as a receptionist followed what she was taught and read them out to the survivor standing before her.

"Deal. Give me that five packets of instant noodles. Do you people still sell the battery?" the survivor asked. It seems that the prototype of the battery Zhang Qin Feng asked Valerian to design was in production already.

But right now, the application can be said to be severely limited.