(EDT) Second Part - Departing Again

"Explain what you just said in detail." Zhang Qin Feng said. His expression immediately looks troubled after listening to Marvin's words. From their tone, it was not something that could be easily solved with firearms alone.

"Huh..." Marvin sighed after he finished the can of sugary drinks. Looking seriously towards Zhang Qin Feng, he started to describe what does the word means.

From Marvin's explanation, it seems that there are multiple nameless places where clones were produced in large quantities to sustain the requirement of manpower. And since the pre-apocalypse period had no specific regard in terms of clone rights, these bodies were made in large numbers to fill all the available positions.

As long there's a need for operators, the request can be made to the Cloning Facility. There's even an option to create a batch of custom clones if there's a need for those.