Incoming Support (2)

"Landing crews, prepare everything onboard on the transport vessels and get ready for delivery! The big boss will be in touch with us again very soon!" the 008's captain gave the order for all the ships to get into standby.

"As for the two of you, you'll be moving independently until you're absorbed into big Boss' jurisdiction. Is there anything else?" the captain asked the two individuals.

Their standing itself seems to hold some significant position in Zhang Qin Feng's Wind Base Group.

"There's nothing else, captain. Thank you." answered the two before they made their way back to their post.

From the look of their preparation so far, their formation seems to be more than just four patrol ships. It seems that their arrival to the frontline means something entirely else, as the delivery package appears to be more than just weaponry, ammunition, and supplies.


About a day before the conversation above happened.