
The company and hotel under the name of Cao Bao's family were separated by an eight-lane road. Two huge conspicuous and luxurious buildings stand solemnly, becoming the most unique architecture signs in the downtown.

This made Cao Bao thankful that it was none of his business. When he arrived at the underground parking lot, he got in the car and left everything behind him.

It wasn't a secret in the public that the Cao family has only one daughter. The old couple belonged to one of the business marriages, they have a similar AA property status. This relationship was rigid and ruthless, but they held hands while attending public occasions and performed a model of affection with a standard smile. But when they stopped holding hands, they still treat themself with respect and did not argue about insignificant things, even when they were playing against each other they do that without aggression.

Their daughter, Song Chunhua, was a young and promising woman, exquisite and perfect, who belonged to the top alphas in the upper class of society. With her helping manage the company, Mr. Cao was even lazier to work. In fact, the main reason was that the Song family had more financial resources than him when he got married. The Song family insisted that the first child must follow their family's surname and his strong wife was reluctant to have another child and was devoted to her career. Therefore, Mr. Cao simply enjoyed the beauty of being in middle age. There were three seasons of the year when he was not in the company, flew around the world to eat, drink and have fun.

But then their life was hit with a bit of turbulence.

Since Mr. Cao was almost unable to fight for power, he sat on the seat of the home master without making any trouble. However, the debts left by the (middle) young and frivolous behavior should always be paid. Eight years ago, when he found out that he had a son who was born from a one-night stand and was just sixteen years old, that he didn't know, the old man finally couldn't sit still.

Especially when he knew that his son was an omega, the old man couldn't sit still even more.

Cao Bao's mother was a drunkard and gambling addict, and because of that, he lived in terrible poverty until the age of seven. When he was about to go to elementary school, his mother finally got a 'gold ticket' to get married. And his mother was a really beautiful woman so her future husband instantly fell in love with her and helped overcome addictions. The drunkard became a good wife and mother again, and the family of three was finally happy.

Cao Bao's mother had not been able to get pregnant all these years due to being alcoholism for so long before. Finally, when he was sixteen years old, his mother got pregnant, and also his biological father came to his door at that time.

Cao Bao knew that his mother should have a new life. He also knew that his stepfather and mother were just ordinary people of the beta class, and he didn't want to be a burden to them, so he voluntarily returned to Cao's house with his father without crying or making trouble.

He didn't expect that his arrival would become the mediator of the life change of the Cao family.

Mother Song's forbearing maternal love had run rampant after his arrival. Mrs. Song regarded Cao Bao as her own son, she loved him so much that she was favoring him more than Song Chunhua. Probably, she had never been so intimate with omega before and felt that she didn't have to worry about her grown-up daughter anymore.

Seeing that Mrs. Song was so kind to his own son, Mr. Cao suddenly realized that this woman still has emotions, and is not a cold machine that rotates 24 hours a day around work. After getting to know each other again, it turned out that there were feelings between them. This was a love that had been late for twenty-six years.

However, there was more than one person whose maternal love was overflowing, and Song Chunhua also wanted to dote and look after Cao Bao. What's more, this younger brother of hers had matched their parents, this was something in which she was not successful and all efforts had been completely in vain for twenty-six years.

And Cao Bao always thought that from now on, he would have to be a man with the tail between his legs, but he didn't experience the horror he had imagined.

Cao Bao still couldn't get used to living a normal life until today, eight years later. Although he ate, drunk, and played like other guys, but he was still fundamentally different from them. In his bones, in the depths of his soul, he couldn't get rid of it, from beginning to end. First, he belonged to the bottom of society, and second, he wasn't able to clear out the omega's low self-esteem.

It was just that he hid all of it behind a smile.

He accepted this kind and loving family of his, but he was still unable to be honest about his feelings.