He also has secrtes

As the only heir in the family, Chen Feiyu has been overprotected by his parents and didn't have a lot of contact with other people's children. After a few years, it turned out that he was alpha, of course, without disappointing everyone's expectations. Everything about him was completely perfect or it seemed that no one couldn't find anything wrong with him.

But in fact, Chen Feiyu was very lonely, he almost didn't have any friends, because everyone thought that he was unrealistically perfect and his distant attitude made others misunderstand him even more, thinking that he was terrifying to approach.

He didn't want to live like that anymore, so he enrolled in the police academy and was completely cut off from the world. He couldn't help but ignore his family's opposition. Before graduation, he asked his family to change his profile information from alpha to beta.

It didn't matter that he had to learn from scratch how to live as an ordinary person. Although he knew that he couldn't lean on the family anymore and equal treatment was almost equivalent to delusion now, it was at least enough to deceive others. It took him seven years to climb up to the captain of the General Bureau department, but he did it without hesitation. Chen Feiyu felt that the barriers of his beta status made his life a little bit harder, but he always loved challenges and became even more excited to prove himself.

The only thing he miscalculated was the firm belief that he could escape the AO marriage assignment.

It turned out that the government was not busy at all, and those who work there could still have the energy to match BB. But it was fine, a beta couldn't take advantage of it. If the two will agree to not violate the rights of another then they can contribute something to the family, it can be in a win-win situation.

According to the information, the other party was the youngest son of the Cao family, five years younger than him, and has been working in the police station in Beijing for two years.

Although he was rumored to be an illegitimate child, the treatment he received at home looked nothing like that.

Chen Feiyu already had a face-to-face meeting with the Cao family at a dinner party in advance. He felt good about it, this family was indeed very interesting, making him even more eager to get to know the young master who he had never met in person.

The original intention of the government was to improve Cao Bao's attitude to work. Chen Feiyu just happened to be tired of working in the General Bureau department and at the same time was offered to transfer to Beijing. Because of his alpha's true identity, he didn't have any worries about leaving home.

And there was also a case and criminals that needed to be chased and arrested in Beijing.

After getting there, Chen Feiyu's first step was to found Cao Bao's community based on the information provided by his family and broke his car.

The second step was to obtain Cao Bao's schedule for the next day from Song Chunhua and then early in the moring park his car on the side of the road in the Cao Bao neighborhood to wait for him.

The third step was to use special means to quickly register on the DiDi driver's app.

Chen Feiyu just wanted to take a look at Cao Bao first, but the other party obviously misunderstood him. This could be seen from the fact that Cao Bao smiled at him when they officially met, but unconsciously clenched his palms.

When the director called the person over, Chen Feiyu took the opportunity to observe him carefully. Cao Bao was a little shorter than him, a little thinner, his face got full marks and there was a faint scar on his neck. The information showed that in the police school he was accidentally injured on a mission. Cao Bao was young, frivolous and very impulsive.

To sum up briefly, Chen Feiyu currently didn't have any dissatisfaction with his future partner and wasn't against this marriage. For the sake of his future partner, he could bear demotion and lowering his rank from previous in the General Bureau.

What he had to endure now for Cao Bao?

Of course, it was Li Qiang, who sat at the top seat here. Chen Feiyu wanted to vomit blood looking at him and listening to his bullshits. Every time when Li Qiang was present at the General Bureau's meeting, he was absent-mindedly licking his teeth not participating in the conversation, and even when he was, he was speaking nonsense that a man didn't need to stick to the rules.

Perhaps it was a kind of grievance passed down from the previous generation. Since Chen Feiyu was a child, he and Li Qiang were pushed into the ring by their families and they were competing with each other while fighting in various confrontations.

Later on, it was a little suspicious, because Chen Feiyu decided to change his identity from alpha to beta rather late. In fact, occasionally on several family gatherings, Li Qiang also questioned him. He obviously went to a police academy and while he went there so gracefully, why he became so mediocre when he came out? However, Chen Feiyou avoided this kind of questioning in many ways.

Many leaders patted Chen Feiyu on the shoulder with regretful expressions, saying that, in fact, they were more optimistic about him than about Li Qiang, and it was a pity that he turned out to be a beta. They were willing to help him if there was a chance in the future so he shouldn't be discouraged.

Chen Feiyu every time said 'thank you' with a smile, however, it was precisely such a combination of events that he couldn't ask for it now.