Tacit understanding

"I said don't come in!!"

The robber stood on the second floor, strangling a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl by the neck, and holding a knife in his other hand against her face. Seeing Li Qing and the others walk in, he immediately yelled excitedly.

"Do you want her to die? Back!"

"Brother, please calm down, we will give you money, why do you want to hurt people?" Li Qing raised his hand to stop the people behind him, "You let the girl go first and then we can discuss what conditions do you have."

"Do you think I'm a fool? You will give me shit if I let this little girl go!" The culprit violently knocked the girl's face with the back of the knife, as if he was going to be in a position to kill her at any time, scaring the little girl out of her wits.

She was screaming in tears, "You go away, just go away! Listen to him!" Her face turned pale, her legs were shaking, her whole body was forcibly pulled by the robbers to help her keep the balance.

Cao Bao glanced to the side, there was no other feasible plan except to let Zang Meilin climb up and attack. Fortunately, the robber was now focusing on the people who were in front of him and he didn't have any time to take into account the figure that was secretly climbing at the other side of the building.

"I want a gun and a car!" The robber said again. He was on the second floor where he could see some perspectives outside through open space without windows. "I saw it. I want the Knight XV."

Chen Feiyu: "Since when the robbers are this knowledgeable? What about we take advantage of the guns?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Li Qing slapped Chen Feiyu with his hand, "Hand over the car keys."

Cao Bao interrupted them, "I have it." After that, he handed the keys.

Li Qing dumped his gun, "This is all you wanted."

"Everyone goes out!" The robber continued to give orders.

The group of people hesitated, looking at each other.

"Get out of here, don't you understand it!" The robber was angry and emotional, he slashed the girl's hand with a knife, and the girl burst into sharp cries again.

"Why are you crying, shut up your mouth!"

They didn't expect that the hostage would suddenly get into trouble. The crying kept making the robber more irritable. He dragged the girl back a few steps brutally, but his feet softened due to panic.

Almost instantly, a bullet penetrated his brain, and blood spattered out everywhere.

The robber shook his dead body and knocked over to the edge. The girl's thin body couldn't support his weight and the two of them was about to fall from the second floor.

When Cao Bao rushed out, he found that Chen Feiyu had strode ahead of him.

They automatically formed a tacit understanding, each of them caught the girl half of the body. The girl was crying and panting in shock, almost suffocating. She stretched out her hand to hold Chen Feiyu's clothes tightly and did not let go, like a bird seeking a sense of security.

"Let her go, I will take her."

The sound of an ambulance sounded outside and Chen Feiyu had just walked out carrying the girl. He put her down on the stretcher.

"Little sister, it's time to go to the hospital." Seeing the other party holding on to him, Chen Feiyu snapped his fingers in front of her.

Finally, the face of the person lying on the stretcher recovered a little blood, staring at Chen Feiyu with blank eyes, "Thank you"

"Rest well." The medical staff pushed the stretcher into the ambulance and the car drove away quickly.

"Capitan Li!" Pei Niu stepped forward with a strange expression, "People from Jinan are here."

"What?" Li Qing was still standing in the building with Cao Bao, and when he heard Pei Niu calling him, he turned around and saw five or six unfamiliar faces following behind him.

"Hello Capitan Li, we are the criminal police from Jinan." The leading police officer showed his police officer ID and said quickly, "The nearest hospital is the Second Affiliated Hospital in Jinan. These four parties are also Jinan residents, so we think it's more appropriate for this case to be handled by our Bureau."

Li Qing squinted his eyes, "We have solved the case and you come here to ask for credit? Didn't your captain didn't tell you who you can't provoke?"

"We know who you are, but this is also for everyone's convenience..." The leading police officer was a little confused immediately, "Please..."

"Get out of the way!" Li Qing squirted irritably at the other's face, "I tell you..."

The piercing sound of braking hit everyone's ears and instantly attracted everyone's attention. What came was a white wedding car.

A black-haired woman got out of the car, with exquisite makeup and long hair that was slightly messed up by the wind. She closed the car door hard, and inadvertently stroked the hair around her ears. The woman walked up with her dress in one hand, and the police officer from Jinan voluntarily said hello.

"Vice captain."

"Hello." She bowed to Li Qing, "Captain Li."

"Who are you?" Lu Bu was taken aback for a moment and quickly returned to his indifference.

The woman smiled and showed her police officer's ID, "Dao Biyu, Jinian criminal police department. Today was the wedding of our chief's daughter. Whoever thought that something like this would happen suddenly, let me take a look."

Li Qing glanced sideways, "Aren't you the director's daughter?"

"I am not, I am a bridesmaid." Dao Biyu didn't change her face as she still kept a polite smile, "For the sake of my clothes can you give the case to us?"

Pei Niu: "Capitan Li..."

"Shut up." Li Qing coughed a few times and cleared his throat, "You can have it."

"Then thank Captain Li, let's go."

Cao Bao looked left and right, feeling that something was wrong.

After Dao Biyu left with all her followers, Li Qing who suddenly turned around and picked up Cao Bao's colar.

Cao Bao was shocked, "What?! It was you who give it up!"

"Ten minutes, I want all the information about that woman." Li Qing's eyes flashed with a strange excitement.

"You can check it by yourself. What do I have to do with this?" Cao Bao was confused.

Li Qing asked, "Isn't your dad a spy?"

Cao Bao was annoyed and out of breath, "How many times do I have to tell you that my dad is not a spy!"