First Blood

Lee Long was a good and kind boy. He had a good time with his new friends. None of them got hurt. The duelist only won a lot of experience. He didn't take away their attributes. Why spoil the experience for the good tourists? Already in the first tavern, he gained a new level. The human and Ferin planet colonies were not rich in sentient life forms. The Bregan and Shade sectors grew out of the colonies of various sentient wanderers.

The boy earned a good amount of credits. His terms were not harsh on his opponents. He even lost on purpose a couple of times. Arm wrestling is simple competition. The little trickster held a small tournament. The small but strong Shrimp left a mark in the hearts of many. One of the taverns acted as a humble inn. The boy did not demonstrate his abilities. He rented a room and decided to sleep until evening. He planned to spend the night actively. All bad guys get horny closer to the night.

The communicator successfully acted as an alarm clock and woke up its owner.

Lee Long woke up full of energy and determination to spread the rays of goodness in the cat capital. He made his way to the tavern hall and ate. During dinner, he diligently played the part of the little man who has a lot of credit, but no intelligence or experience. To catch a big mean fish it is useful to find a little bait. The atmosphere in the tavern was calm, but Lee Long knew that crime did not sleep. There would always be those who liked to disrupt order and acquire easy profits without much difficulty.

The evening capital delighted the eye with shades of dusk. Lee found it interesting to walk slowly and observe the pictures of local life. He had spent his entire life in the colony. Earthlings built monotonous houses and led the same way of life. The capital of an ancient sentient race several millennia-old provided many experiences for tourism.

He who seeks will always find. First, a company of young bullies showed interest in the boy. The little rascals were dressed modestly. They did not look like poor tramps in rags. But they behaved like mindless degenerates. One of the hooligans jumped up to the visitor of the capital and began insults,

"Everyone in this neighborhood respects the Hot White team. Show some respect! Pay 100 credits for a pass!"

"This is an insult. My honor is hurt. You will now answer for your insolent words!" Lee clenched his fists tightly and prepared for a long fight.

He decided at once not to show any mercy to the novice criminals. He who since childhood has taken the path of breaking the law grows into an experienced and dangerous bandit. Lee Long respected law and order; he was willing to add light to the dark realm of crime.

Fighting petty troublemakers was commonplace in the neighborhood. But this fight was very strange and unusual. A small humanoid in an old hunter's suit of the Ferin race was displaying his power. But it was a strange kind of power. He threw a few blows and quickly put his opponents to the ground. But then the victor himself would rush to pound his fallen opponents. But his rivals, from more beatings, found the strength to continue the fight. Lee Long was a ruthless and cunning foe. He beat and healed his opponents. His Healing skill had already reached level 2, and he was restoring 2 points of health per use. Lee tried to treat his donors with equal measure. The group of scum quickly thinned out. Sneaky cowards are always the first to avoid a fight. But four opponents remained at the duelist's service. These little cows were milked neatly and evenly by Lee. In every bad company, there is always a base. Violence requires constant proof of one's awesomeness. The ringleaders couldn't give up and back down. They fought until the victorious end. But in the end, the four little rascals lay on the ground, unresolved and unconscious.

Lee Long quickly ran from his place of victory. The dark twilight helped him find a secluded spot. The boy crawled under the root of a huge tree. In this small cave, he checked his condition, "Status!"

[Lee Long

Race, Earthman

Type, Duelist. The Mage.

Level, 13. 132400/140900

Strength, 10

Dexterity, 10

Intelligence, 12

Endurance, 12

Health, 72/120

Mana, 0/120

Skill, Appraisal 2 level. Duelist Balance 1 level. Water Magic 1 level. Healing 2 level. Ice Arrow 1 level.

Available Characteristics point, 17

Available skill point, 0]

At the very beginning of his adventures, Lee Long decided to limit his physical data by 10 points. Such data has a man at the age of 32, it is the prime of physical strength. The strength reserve of a sturdy healthy man will help achieve success. Lee was well aware of the special laws of street life. Fate put him in the place of the leader of a team of small varmints. Lee knew well how bullies and hooligans behaved. His reserve of strength was a sure defense against the threat and enough to win. During the fight, one scoundrel even pulled out a knife! Lee Long got rid of the threat with ease. He even broke the villain's arm.

The results of the brawl were pleasing to the eye. Seventeen points of characteristics! What a feast of generosity and kindness! What good citizens are growing up in the capital city of Ferin. They have taken good care of the tourists of their homeland since childhood. Lee Long scratched his nose and distributed the available items. He maxed out endurance and intelligence and put one point into Strength.

Strength, 11

Dexterity, 10

Intelligence, 20

Endurance, 20

Health, 72/200

Mana, 80/200

The pleasant picture of the growth of perfection did not long delight the little duelist's eye. He heard a soft scolding nearby,

"Where's the little bastard hiding? Are you sure he ran this way? I want to cut that bastard's heart out. Cut his heart out and eat his heart!"

A soft, squeaky voice muttered something back.

Lee Long looked closely at the unexpected guests. Very promising no-good minds. Heart Eater! This is a crime within the boundaries of the sector! This is a spy from the Dark Syndicate! It is necessary to help the forces of law and order, it is impossible to sit still. The duelist didn't get out in time to meet his new enemies. They had spotted him! One of the enemies had a good sense of smell! The entire costume of the item hunter was already stained with the blood of the little ruffians.

"He's in there! Gruff, someone is hiding in that hole! We've got to check it out."

"There's nothing to check. I smell native blood! Come out the meat and accept your death! You crippled my son! I'll cut your tail off!" the tough bastard growled.

Lee concentrated his attention. In the twilight, one could distinguish the common features of the opponents. They were of a race of sentient dogs. There was one puppy among the ringleaders of the little bullies. An insolent and nasty puppy. And his daddy was also an insolent and nasty scum with disgusting taste. Eating hearts and a very strange and abnormal taste. But Lee paid particular attention to the enemy's stance. The threat to cut out a heart implies a threat with a knife. And the stout barbarian stood in a special stance. He was armed with a knife!

The duelist realized that there was a dangerous fight ahead. He immediately drew his knife and pounced on his main opponent.

"Knock. Knock. Knock."

The dog proved to be an experienced opponent! He parried the boy's attack and struck back himself. Lee was prepared for such fights. His technique had been practiced many times in training with experienced soldiers. He parried his enemy's blade and struck back with a sharp blow. But the dog repulsed that boy's attack, too!


The boy's foot struck the dog's crotch. The adversary did not have time to become intimately acquainted with the sudden pain. The point of the knife struck the enemy's throat.

And at that moment Lee Long felt a flash of pain in his left shoulder. He had been cut by the second bandit! Lee's reaction was swift and natural. He jumped aside and shifted his attention to his new opponent. But his enemy was not worthy of the little warrior's attention. The short bandit was already squealing with excitement. The big dog fell to his knees and wheezed a deadly curse. Then the dog collapsed to the ground. The squealing partner exhaled air and turned his muzzle toward the little assassin. This was his mistake. He could have tried to run away, but he didn't have time to run away. Lee Long brushed off the System's new messages with an effort of thought and pounced on the last enemy. This weakling was not of high skill. Lee Long struck two precise blows and struck the enemy in his vulnerable places. Squeaky dropped his knife and grabbed the wound on his body with his hands.

Different sentient beings have different anatomies. But there are common basics of the living organism, its systems and organs. Colony Europe 9 successfully repelled several pirate attacks. The soldiers gained good experience in xenobiology. This experience was useful in improving the techniques of confrontation with humanity's new enemies. Lee knew where to strike first. He struck lethal blows. He felt nothing during the fight. No regret, no fear, no blind warrior's excitement. Perhaps his old man's intelligence served him well.

The boy made no hustle. The first thing he did was to use the Healing. If he had at least one health point left, he would not die.

He revealed his status and shook his head. Fool! He started the fight without regaining his health. This is a mistake! This is a grave mistake! The duelist has begun to carry out his full healing. 140 health points take time. That's almost half a minute for the continuous application of spells. After the player's usual status lines, he saw additional news,

[Status incomplete. Important information has been received for the status update! Check out the new information!

Attention! You have killed the enemy. You have obtained the achievement "First Blood". You have unlocked a branch of skills. Do you want to acquire the skill "Short Blade"? Yes/No.

The skill "Short Blade" increases the damage of edged weapons. The weapon consists of a blade which length does not exceed 50 cm and the hilt. 1 level of skill increases the damage by 1%.

Attention! You have killed the first enemy of the Ganid race. Reward, 1500 extra experience.]

Lee Long happily accepted the new skill and the extra experience pleased him. A 1% increase in damage? A very stingy System! But the harmony of the world is built on modesty and accuracy. One percent increases to ten percent.

Lee got a great knife as a gift. Level 2 Appraisal revealed the weapon's damage data to him,

[Knife Claw.

Damage 2-4.]

A humble ordinary knife of a ferin hunter. But this world held many trophies and rarities. Lee suspected that Nick Ivanov's combat knife dealt up to 10 points of damage. He would still get a special weapon for himself. The boy was happy to appreciate his new status,

[Lee Long

Race, Earthman

Type, Duelist. The Mage.

Level, 13. 134200/140900

Strength, 11

Dexterity, 10

Intelligence, 20

Endurance, 20

Health, 200/200

Mana, 200/200

Skill, Appraisal 2 level. Duelist Balance 1 level. Water Magic 1 level. Healing 2 level. Ice Arrow 1 level. Short Blade 1 level.

Available Characteristics point, 0

Available skill point, 0]

What's that darkening on the ground? Dead enemy corpses! Late evening thickened the twilight into darkness. The moon rose over the planet Ferin. The place was silent. No one approached or noticed the quick fight with deadly consequences. Enemy corpses are trophies! Lee Long jumped up to the two bodies and concentrated. After a few seconds, he sighed, "My system is a lazy and tidy person. I'll have to get my hands dirty. But I need the credits. There's always a shortage of money in the capital. Perhaps I'll find a valuable artifact!"

And the boy bent over the first body.

The little duelist's nightly adventures bore their first rewards.